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At exploration, orchiectomy was performed in 11 patients (67.4%) due to gangrenous changes of the affected testis.

At every port they stopped in,the sailors went out and painted the town red. 每在一处港口停泊,那些水手们就出去大事狂欢。
At every stage of the Kosovo tragedy, other mixes of diplomacy and force were available, though it is not clear they were ever seriously considered. 在科索沃悲剧的每个阶段,其他一些外交与武力并用的手段唾手可得,虽然这些手段是否曾被认真考虑过,现在尚不得而知。
At expiration, equal to the futures or stock price minus the strike price of the call. 到期日价格,等于远期价格或股票价格减看涨期权履约价格。
At expiration, equal to the futures price minus the strike price of the call. 在有效期内,等同于期货价格减去期权执行价。
At expiration, equal to the strike price minus the futures price. 在期权合同到期时,等于执行价格减去期货价格。
At exploration, orchiectomy was performed in 11 patients (67.4%) due to gangrenous changes of the affected testis. 越早手术探查,越可降低睾丸切除率。
At fast speeds, centrifugal force causes the plane's turn radius to increase and its turn rate to decrease. 在高速下,离心力将导致飞机的转弯半径增加和回转率降低。
At fertilization, when the haploid gametes fuse, the diploid number of chromosomes is restored. 受精过程中,单倍体配子融合,恢复了二倍体的染色体数目。
At fierce strife,market needs often gives way to competition needs. 在市场经济中,公平竞争是繁荣经济的关键.
At fifteen, I expected at least some talk of young men from her[/COLOR], but she seems to have no use for them. 台版:她十五岁了,我想多少总有些年轻人会对她表明心迹[/COLOR],不过看起来她不把这些人放在眼里。
At first , Language is a social phenomenon , is also the tool of social intercommunication . 语言首先是一种社会现象,是社会交际的工具。

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