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Some reports even suggest that Legion officers employ the stalkers as mounts, utilizing the creatures' uncanny abilities to phase in and out of the physical and astral dimensions at will.

Some religions—most notably Islam, Latter-day Saints, the Nikaya and most Mahayana schools of Buddhism and some Protestant sects of Christianity—forbid or discourage the consumption of alcoholic beverages for these and other reasons. 有些宗教-比较明显的是伊斯兰教,耶稣基督后期圣徒教会,尼柯耶和大部分大乘佛教学校和基督教中的新教徒-由于这些原因和一些其他原因禁止或者阻碍饮酒。
Some remarkable corporations is his vital customers such as Founder Group﹑Lenovo Group﹑YuanCheng Group Co.,Ltd.﹑Derviser Group﹑CEC、Cigarette Factory of Huanshan 、Cigarette Factory of Hunhe、China Mobile、China Unicom、Sinopec、Changyu、Wine of Heijiaozi、Himin 服务过的客户有方正集团,联想集团,远成集团,德力集团,中国电子,黄山烟厂,大红鹰集团,红河烟厂,中国移动,中国联通,中国石化,张裕干红,黑娇子酒,皇明太阳能等。
Some remote controls even have tiny alphabetic keyboards to enable e-mails to be sent through the television, and it is not unusual to see four or five controllers sitting on a single sofa. 有些遥控器上甚至包含很小的字母键盘,可以用来通过电视发送电子邮件,沙发上放着四五只遥控器也越来越常见。
Some remove the landmarks; they violently take away flocks, and feed thereof. 2有人挪移地界,抢夺群畜而牧养。
Some repeaters use CTCSS decode to keep from being keyed up by distant stations using other co-channel repeaters. 一些中继台使用CTCSS解译静音模式以避免一定距离以外的使用同频率的中继台的干扰。
Some reports even suggest that Legion officers employ the stalkers as mounts, utilizing the creatures' uncanny abilities to phase in and out of the physical and astral dimensions at will. 曾经有报告指出燃烧军团的一些将领甚至将次元追猎者驯化为坐骑,并利用这种生物的特异本领在物质和灵质的次元间随意穿梭。
Some reports in the past week had even said she planned to name the child Jamilyn, after her younger sister Jamie and her mother Lynne. 在过去的一周内,有报道称她计划给孩子起名叫杰米琳,名字取自于她妹妹的名字杰米和母亲的名字琳。
Some reports say suicide became common among Indian farmers only in the late 1990s, after agrarian and trade reforms introduced a few years earlier by a liberalising government. 有报道称,直到上世纪90年代末、自由政府实施土地和贸易改革刚过了几年,农民自杀才在印度成为普遍现象。
Some reports show that people with schizophrenia have fewer NMDA receptors, although the genes that give rise to the receptors appear unaffected. 有些报告指出精神分裂症患者的NMDA受体较少,但制造受体的基因看来并未受到影响。
Some reports suggest Lan may have been trying to blackmail the mine owner. 一些报导说,兰成长可能曾试图勒索矿主。
Some reports suggest the quantities of food and oil that China ships to its poor neighbour have been cut. 有报道暗示说从中国运往其贫困邻国朝鲜的粮食和石油已经有所削减。

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