Method National system sampling survey of kinds and number of the equipment in institution of disease prevention and controlment, compute equipment assets, and gaps compare with standard.
方法全国系统抽样调查省市县各级疾病预防控制机构的各类设备配置种类和数量,计算设备资产,和标准比较得到缺口。 |
Method Observation of the serial sections on the nutritional stems of G.elata, and measure new corms of G.elata when cut off the old corms connection with rhizomorph of A. mellea.
方法作天麻营繁茎连续纵切片结合横切片观察;在天麻生长期切断其与菌材连接的蜜环菌索,测量新生麻生长情况。 |
Method On the basis of traditional eye healthcare, Ashi points below T1, T2 and T3, Fengchi (GB 20) and Hegu (LI 4) were massaged, together with auricular application.
方法在传统眼保健操的基础上加项背部的阿是穴(T1、T2、T3棘突下)、风池穴、合谷穴等,以推拿手法治疗为主,并配合耳穴贴压。 |
Method One hundred nine patients with spinal tuberculosis who failed initial focal debridement from 1987 to 1996 were reviewed.
方法对1987-1996年间收治的初次手术治疗失败的脊椎结核109例进行回顾性分析。 |
Method Sampling and microorganism's detection were made in air, the surface of article for daily use. both hands of workers and the surface of sheet in rooms of all professional groups, and compared the sterilizing effects on sheets among the 4 methods wu
方法对检验科各专业组室内空气、常用物品表面、工作人员双手、化验报告单表面等采样进行微生物检测并比较紫外线照射、福尔马林熏蒸、环氧乙烷及戊二醛熏蒸等4种方法对化验单的消毒效果。 |
Method Sedative and hypnotic experiments were made to observe the effects of the water extract of Fructus schisandrea Chinensis on spontaneous motion and hyponosis in mice.
方法采用镇静、催眠实验观察北五味子水提取物对小鼠自主活动的影响,协同戊巴比妥钠对小鼠的催眠作用。 |
Method The cervical X ray film and history of pilots admitted because of vertigo and disease of cervical vertebra were reviewed.
方法分析1975~1999年间因眩晕或疑诊颈椎疾病飞行员的颈椎X线片。 |
Method The death causation and main complications in 53 patients with fulminant hepatitis were analyzed.
方法对53例重型肝炎的死亡原因及主要并发症进行分析。 |
Method The flap should be prefabricated by contralateral plantar split-skin grafts to the designing area before dissection,then transfered to the plantar defects with sensitive nerve as a compound structure 4 to 5 weeks later.
方法用健侧足心皮片预制到供区皮瓣上,4~5周后切取带感觉神经复合皮瓣游离移植,使足心皮肤植于患足承重受力区。 |
Method The leading problems in food safety supervision and inspection in China were explored and analyzed as compared with the developed countries.
方法对当前食品安全卫生监督管理中出现的主要问题进行了原因的探讨、阐述和分析,并与发达国家进行比较。 |
Method To categorize the 39 fetal abnormalities,and analyse the family history、inheritance history and other occasion.
方法对39例胎儿畸形进行分类,并作家族史、遗传史及其它诱因分析。 |