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Brigitta: Why not ? Don't you think it's ugly ?

Brighton is in southern England. 布赖顿在南英格兰。
Brighton is the healthiest city in Britain with the highest level of personal trainers, yoga clubs and health food stores, according to a survey released on Friday. 上周五的一项调查显示,英国城市布莱顿拥有全国最多的私人健身教练、瑜伽馆和健康食品店,因而被评为英国“最健康的城市”。
Brighton was the first major seaside town in England. It soon became Britain's most popular resort. 布莱顿是第一座重要的海滨城镇,很快这里就成为了英国最热门的度假胜地。
Brigitta: Never eat your soup quietly. 碧丽姬:喝汤时总要大声。
Brigitta: She's thirteen years old and you are smart . 碧丽姬:她是十三岁,妳很聪明。
Brigitta: Why not ? Don't you think it's ugly ? 碧丽姬:为什麽不可以?你不以为那样最难看吗?
Brill: Every wire, every airwave. The more technology you use, the easier it is for them to keep tabs on you. It's a brave new world out there. 每一根电线,每一段电波(都受到监视)。你用的技术越多,就越方便人家监视你。一个美丽的新世界啊。
Brilliance is accomplished by applying small amounts of lacquer to the hammer's felt. 通过在琴槌的毛毡上涂以少量的漆从而使音色嘹亮。
Brilliant as his monetary diagnoses were, on the details of the remedy he came out on the wrong side. 如果说这种货币政策很明智,那么真正具体修正起来却又是一回事了。
Brilliant breakthroughs can emerge as a result of hard work and disciplined effort. 勤劳及自制的努力带来了聪敏的智力转变。
Brilliant ray which become melancholy of the bone of the dead in the coffin hole , Laugh at the surface rapidly withered flower on the earth . 墓穴中的白骨发着阴冷的光芒,嘲笑着地表上瞬间枯萎的花朵。

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