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Researchers have discovered a pivotal new player in early events that commit fat cell precursors to becoming full-blown fat, according to a report in the February issue of the journal Cell Metabolism, published by Cell Press.

Researchers have also managed to produce in Bao-yu and her offspring genes that one day may help treat hemophilia in human. 而且研究员还从宝钰和牠的宝宝身上,成功复制了可治疗人类血友病的血凝激素。
Researchers have begun a pioneering trial using patients' own stem cells to treat their chronic liver disease. 研究人员已展开一项利用病人自身的干细胞来治疗其慢性肝病的创新试验。
Researchers have brought different fighters together. 研究人员请来不同的武者齐聚一堂。
Researchers have compared it with that of other insects, including the fruit fly and the mosquito. 研究人员将蜜蜂的基因图同其他昆虫、包括果蝇和蚊子的基因图作了比较。
Researchers have developed a new computer-aided analysis technique to identify early cellular damage in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The study is featured in the October issue of Radiology. 研究人员已开发出一种新的计算机辅助分析技术来识别阿尔茨海默病(AD)的早期细胞损伤。10月刊的《放射学》杂志以显著位置对该研究进行了报道。
Researchers have discovered a pivotal new player in early events that commit fat cell precursors to becoming full-blown fat, according to a report in the February issue of the journal Cell Metabolism, published by Cell Press. 根据细胞杂志发行的周二版细胞代谢杂志上的一项报告,研究人员已经发现了一种早期促进脂肪祖细胞成熟的中枢性新驱动因子。
Researchers have discovered that interacting with animals lowers a person's blood pressure. 研究人员发现,与动物为伍能够降低人的血压。
Researchers have explored statistical methods for detecting malicious or malfunctioning hosts. 研究人员已经开发出统计方法,能够侦测出蓄意欺骗或是发生故障的主机电脑。
Researchers have found an increased level of predictability in certain complex systems just before large changes. 在某些复杂系统将要发生巨变之前,研究人员已发现更好的预期能力。
Researchers have found that kangaroos often become accustomed to these artificial sounds and take little notice of them. 研究人员发现,袋鼠对这些人工噪音已习以为常,鲜少注意。
Researchers have found that migrating animals use a variety of inner compasses to help them navigate. 研究人员已经发现迁徙性动物可以借助各种各样的体内罗盘来校正方向。

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