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I suffer a lot from headaches and migraines.

I suddenly pressed the brake pedal and we were both thrown forward. 我突然用力踩紧刹车踏板,结果我俩的身体都向前冲去。
I suddenly pressed the brake pedal hard and we were both thrown forward. 我突然用力踩紧刹车踏板,结果我俩的身体都向前冲去。
I suddenly remembered that I didn't bring my key. 我突然想起我没有带钥匙。
I suddenly remembered that I hadn't locked the door. 我突然记起我没有锁门。
I sued the magazine for libel. 我为诽谤对该杂志提起诉讼。
I suffer a lot from headaches and migraines. 我严重受到头痛和偏头痛之苦.
I suffer a lot if I breathe in dust, tobacco smoke, coal fumes, insecticides or something with a particular odor. 我要是吸进了灰尘、纸烟、煤烟、杀虫药或其他带特别气味得东西,我就很难受。
I suffered a blunt refusal when I called him. 当我打电话给他时遭到他的断然拒绝。
I suffered great inconvenience. 我感到极不方便。
I suggest Chinese mineral water if you would like something refreshing . 如果您需要一些清新的饮料,我向您推销中国矿泉水?
I suggest Paris as a good place for a honeymoon . 我提议去巴黎,那是度蜜月的好去处.

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