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You see problems as challenges, and press on with a smile.

You see determination by a person's willingness to spend time in accomplishing a task. 所谓恒心,就是愿意花时间去完成一项任务。
You see her step back appearing surprised, and take a few steps away from Mr. Garcia. 你看到她吃惊地往后退,离开加西亚先生几步远。
You see into your future and don't digest your past experience enough. 你看见了你的未来并且要明白你过去的经验.
You see it's not work that kills people, it's worry. 你看,工作并没有杀死人,是耽心害死了人。
You see our architecture, you see our monuments, our museums, and our restaurants. 走在大街上,你可以一边购物一边探店。
You see problems as challenges, and press on with a smile. 你把问题看成是挑战,面对它微笑。
You see sallarymen drinking and having so much fun with their co-workers. 你可以看到很多工薪阶级在那里喝酒,与同事放松娱乐。
You see something you want and you ask the owner if you can dupe it. 你看到某件你想要的东西,就去问那东西的主人能否让你复制一份。
You see strange fish and underwater mountains, cliffs, and valleys. 你看到奇形怪状的鱼、水下的山脉、悬崖和峡谷。
You see that new business Harlan started at age 65 with his first small retirement check was Kentucky Fried Chicken. 你知道吗,哈兰在65岁时用第一张小金额退休金做起来的生意,就是肯德基炸鸡。
You see the columns of the matrix. 你们看矩阵的列。

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