Scientists and engineers function in a global market: they rely on primary sources published in other languages, attend international consortia, and often find themselves interacting across national, cultural, and linguistic borders.
科学家和工程师们所必须面对的是全球的市场:他们所仰赖的资料来源以其他的语言出版、必须参加国际会议,有时必须在国家间、文化间和语言间进行沟通。 |
Scientists and environmental activists continue to argue over the seriousness of global warming.
科学家和环保分子一直在为全球变暖的严重性争论不休。 |
Scientists and environmentalists have repeatedly warned us of serious environmental problems such as water and air pollution, water shortages, diminishing natural resources, toxic wastes, and deforestation.
科学家和环保主义者一再告诫我们所存在的严重环境问题,例如水和空气的污染、水资源的短缺、缩减的自然资源、有毒垃圾以及砍伐森林。 |
Scientists and mystics alike thrill to the idea of some great unknown.
科学家与神秘主义者对未知的事物一样惊恐地发抖。 |
Scientists announced on Thursday that the genetic inheritance of human and chimpanzee are almost the same after they made a so-called land mark comparision of the Perfect Proofthe Darwin's theory of evolution.
科学家星期四在一场他们称之为对达尔文进化论的“完美证明”的里程碑式的对比中称,人和黑猩猩的遗传基因几乎一样。 |
Scientists are asking whether spirituality can be explained in terms of neural networks, neurotransmitters and brain chemistry.
根据神经网络,神经传递素和脑化学科学家被要求是否可以解释灵性。 |
Scientists are boldly going where only fiction has gone before — to develop a Cloak of Invisibility.
科学家正大胆挺进以前只有在小说里才有描述的领域–做一件隐身斗篷。 |
Scientists are conducting an investigation into the causes of the accident.
科学家们就事故的原因正展开调查. |
Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible.
科学家们都深信,所有的物质都是不灭的。 |
Scientists are developing a super-broccoliwhich they hope will help people ward off cancer.
科学家正在研发一种「超级花椰菜」,希望能帮助人们远离癌症。 |
Scientists are developing a super-sensitive Breathalyzer-type tool that works a lot like a nose and could one day sniff out human ills.
美国的一个科研小组目前正在开发一种类似呼气测醉器的工具,这种超级灵敏的仪器就像一个“电子鼻子”,它可以在不久的将来替人体查找病因。 |