Subject to our final confirmation we will send you our offer as follow.
在我们最终确认以后,就将实盘送给你们。 |
Subject to paragraph (3) of this Article, the amount of the contribution shall be what is considered just in the light of the relative responsibility for the damage of the persons liable, having regard to their respective degrees of fault and to any other
在不违反本条第(3)的条件下,该偿还额应根据各责任人对损害的相对责任,以及他们各自的过错程度和其他与确立或减缩其责任有关的事项,公平确定。 |
Subject to provisions of the Act but without prejudice to any indemnity to which a Director may otherwise be entitled, every Director or other officer or auditor of the Company shall be indemnified out of the assets of the Company against liability incurr
根据本法规定但董事另外享有的补偿权利不受损害的情况下,凡公司董事和其他官员或审计师在任何法律程序中,无论是刑事还是民事,均获胜诉或无罪,或在任何申请中法庭给予其救济,使其免于承担跟公司事务相关的过失、违约、义务违反或信托违反之责任,其在抗辩或申请中发生的债务,应从公司资产中得到补偿。 |
Subject to the Special Conditions of Sale mentioned herein before, the Vendor declares that the Vendor's Solicitors are the Vendor's agent for the purposes of receiving all monies payable to the Vendor pursuant to these Conditions including the balance of
除特别拍卖条款另有规定外,卖主现声明卖主律师行为卖主在买卖事宜上之代理人,负责收取所有按照此等条款付予卖主之金额,包括在完成交易时缴付之购买价馀额,并为所有本约项下之金额开发有效收据。 |
Subject to the Statute, resident visa applications shall not be approved by ROC overseas missions unless first approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
但驻外馆处受理居留签证之申请,非经主管机关核准,不得核发。 |
Subject to the above terms and conditions, the license granted here is perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright in the Work).
依据前述条款及条件,本处之授权在本著作适用之著作权期间内,系属永久。 |
Subject to the approval of the Examination and Approval Authority, if at any time Applicable Laws or the policies of the relevant government authorities permit a foreign investor to hold an equity interest greater than that currently held by Party B in th
参考译文:如果根据相关法律或有关政府部门的政策,在[产业部门]产业,与合营公司的业务相同或相似的所有企业中,允许外国投资者持有的股权份额大于乙方在合营公司中现持有的股权份额,经审批机关批准,乙方应有选择权(但无义务),可在任何时间通知甲方增加其在合营公司注册资本中所占份额至乙方通知中确定的百分比,该增加的份额可为当时中国相关法律或政府部门政策允许的最高限额之内的任何份额(包括最高限额)(“乙方股份递增选择权”)。 |
Subject to the exceptions mentioned in this section, the provision of this Act apply to a mutual insurance.
除本条所提及的例外,本法的各项规定适用于相互保险。 |
Subject to the provisions if any in that behalf of the Memorandum of Association of the Company any share of the Company may be issued with such preference, deferred or other special rights or such restrictions whether in regard to dividend, voting, retur
在与公司章程相关规定——如果有这样的规定的话——不冲突的情况下:(公司)可以发行任何的公司股份,并具有优先权、延迟权,或者其他特殊权利,还可以对于分红、投票和返还股资方面,或者公司可能不定期以特别决议方式决定的其他方面,进行限制;并且通过特别决议批准通过的方式,还公司可以发行任何优先股,只要它是——或者公司认为它是——容易兑现的。 |
Subject to the provisions of any statute, a contract of marine insurance is inadmissible in evidence unless it is embodied in a marine policy in accordance with this Act.
受任何法律规定的制约,海上保险合同不能作为诉讼的证据,除非包含在符合本法的海上保险单内。 |
Subject to the provisions of this Act, every person has an insurable interest who is interested in a marine adventure.
根据本法各条规定,与海上冒险有利益关系的每一个人具有保险利益。 |