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According to the historical data, acrobatics in Wu Bridge has more than 2000 years of history, the artists have been in more than 50 countires and areas throughout the world.

According to the health region, measles is a highly contagious infectious disease spread by airborne droplets or close personal contact with someone infected. 当地卫生部门说麻疹是一种高传染性的疾病,可以通过空气尘埃或与患者接触传播。
According to the high spatial correlativity of the ionosphere contamination, then the rank one phase error estimation (ROPE) auto-focus method in imaging radar is suitably modified and applied to the ionosphere decontamination of HF radar echoes. 根据电离层污染具有高度空间相关性的特点,将成像雷达中的秩一相位误差估计聚焦方法适当修正后应用于高频雷达回波信号去电离层扰动污染。
According to the highway status in Changzhou,the advantages of compact asphalt reclamation equipment are discussed from such aspects as old pavement materials, gradation design, reclamation performance examination and economy analysis, etc. 结合常州公路实例,从旧路面材料的状况调查、再生混合料的配合比设计、路面再生性能的检验以及经济效益分析等几个方面,简述了小型沥青再生设备在路面养护方面的优势,并进行了论证。
According to the historians he murdered his rival in cold blood. 根据历史学家考证,他蓄意杀死了他的竞争对手。
According to the historical data record, 188 years, Zhang Fei and Liu Bei, Guan Yu organized a local armed forces in Chohsien, joined the Eastern Han Dynasty dynasty to suppress the yellow turban insurrectionary army's war. 据史料记载,188年,张飞与刘备、关羽在涿县组织起了一支地方武装,加入东汉王朝扑灭黄巾起义军的战争。
According to the historical data, acrobatics in Wu Bridge has more than 2000 years of history, the artists have been in more than 50 countires and areas throughout the world. 据史料记载,吴桥杂技距今已有2000多年的历史,吴桥杂技艺人足迹遍布世界,50多个国家和地区。
According to the historical documents of the Qing Dynasty and Xu Song's dealings with other people, the paper makes a detailed textual research on Xu Song's life in exile in Ili, in cluding the exact time of his dispatch to Ili and the start of his trip t 摘要本文通过梳理清代史料与相关交游材料,对徐松遣戍时期的生活,举凡其遣戍伊犁的具体时间与首途情况、与伊犁将军的关系、在天山南北的考察,以及赐环归京的时间,都进行了详细考证,为研究伊犁将军幕府集团的文化建设提供了个案。
According to the historical materialism, the socialist civic society, on one hand, stems from the development of the modern socialist market economy. 摘要从唯物史观出发,社会主义市民社会的最深刻根源在于当代中国社会主义市场经济的发展。
According to the historical materialist view, however, the revival of the world culture would not be the only revival of China's culture in the future, but the revival of the whole mankind civilization, which can only carry through the entire reconstructi 然而,按照历史唯物主义的观点,未来的世界文化不仅不可能是中国文化的复兴,甚至也不是人类文明总和的复兴,而只能是在人类以往文明的基础上,对全部传统和现代文明进行整体的改造与重建。
According to the history of the human's understanding of the objective world, the essay analyses the emergence and the features of the humanities spirits in China and western world, and emphasizes the features of its development and influences in the west 摘要纵观人类认识发展的历史,可以发现中西方人文精神的产生及其特点,尤其是近现代西方人文精神的发展特点及其对近现代社会发展的影响;近现代人文精神的片面发展在于资本主义市场经济制度对科学技术的极端发展。
According to the host, the exhibit will cover an area of 100000 square meters and many famous brands will appear on the exhibit, such as Ferrari, Rolls-Royce, Maserati, Maybach, Benz, BMW, and Lexus. 记者从主办方获悉,今年车展预计展出面积为10万平方米,汽车巨头品牌将悉数到位,法拉利、劳斯莱斯、玛萨拉蒂、迈巴赫、奔驰、宝马、凌志等高端车品牌齐登场。

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