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One hostage out of the group of five was rescued.

One hobby of me is collecting stamp. 我的一个爱好就是集邮.
One hole is for a microphone and camera. 钻探的其中一个洞是放下麦克风和摄像机。
One honest word is better than two oaths. 两句誓言不如一句实话。
One hopes that, 1)in keeping with the spirit of the 2)event, they decided to get along peacefully for the day. 我们只希望,本此节日的精神,它们会决定和平共处一天。
One horse forged ahead, leaving the others behind. 有一匹马跑在最前面,把其他的马抛在后面.
One hostage out of the group of five was rescued. 五名人质中有一名被救出。
One hostage, a deputy pastor has been killed. 其中一名人质,教堂副牧师,已被杀害。
One hot afternoon arrived when no one else was at his bedside. 有一天下午天气很炎热,没有人在爷爷身边。
One hot day, the tavern owner wanted to bathe in a nearby river. So he left the bartender in charge while he was gone. 一个大热天,酒馆老板想到附近的河里洗个澡,所以走时就托店小二看店。
One hot summer day a fox was walking through an orchard. He stopped before a bunch of grapes. They were ripe and juicy. 一个炎热的夏日,狐狸走过一个果园,他停在一大串熟透而多汁的葡萄前。
One hot summer day, the boy returned and the tree was delighted. Come and play with me! 一个闷热的夏夜,男孩又一次回来了,苹果树很高兴,来跟我玩一会儿吧!

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