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Where the statutory reserve fund is not sufficient to cover the company's loss from the previous year, the current year profit shall be used to cover such loss before allocation is made to the statutory reserve fund and the statutory welfare fund purs

Where the silver light starts, at the foot of whitely blue Mizur, were three riders. 在银光照耀之处,令米兹尔显得份外苍白。在这座蓝色山峰的山脚处,有三位骑马的旅人刚好出现。
Where the situation is unclear, they're forced to drive more carefully and cautiously. 相反,当缺乏管制的时候,他们会驾驶得更加小心和谨慎。
Where the size of the ship, the activity in which it is to be engaged and its layout make this reasonable and practical, sleeping rooms should be planned and equipped with a private bathroom, including a toilet, so as to provide reasonable comfort for the 在船舶的尺寸、其所从事的航行活动及其布置使这样做合理可行时,卧室应规划和配备成包括一个卫生间的私人浴室,从而为居住者提供合理的舒适性并便于保持整洁。
Where the social upbringing charges that should be paid are not paid in full within the prescribed time limit, additional late fees shall be charged according to the relevant provisions of the State from the day of the delayed payment; where still no paym 未在规定的期限内足额缴纳应当缴纳的社会抚养费的,自欠缴之日起,按照国家有关规定加收滞纳金;仍不缴纳的,由作出征收决定的计划生育行政部门依法向人民法院申请强制执行。
Where the sole proprietor conducts liquidation himself, he shall notify the creditors fifteen days prior to liquidation, and where he is unable to give notice, he shall make a public announcement. 投资人自行清算的,应当在清算前十五日内书面通知债权人,无法通知的,应当予以公告。
Where the statutory reserve fund is not sufficient to cover the company's loss from the previous year, the current year profit shall be used to cover such loss before allocation is made to the statutory reserve fund and the statutory welfare fund purs 公司的法定公积金不足以弥补上一年度公司亏损的,在依照前款规定提取法定公积金和法定公益金之前,应当先用当年利润弥补亏损。
Where the stipulated valid period of quarantine is exceeded. 三)超过检疫规定有效期的。
Where the subcontract is reported to the orderer for reference and has been recorded by the subcontractor specialized construction enterprise in the projects contracting manual, and the comprehensive construction enterprise has transfer the rights of the 转交工程之契约报备于定作人且受转交之专业营造业已申请记载于工程承揽手册,并经综合营造业就转交部分设定权利质权予受转交专业营造业者,民法第五百十三条之抵押权及第八百十六条因添附而生之请求权,及于综合营造业对于定作人之价金或报酬请求权。
Where the subject matter is not fit for escrow, or the escrow expenses will be excessive, the obligor may auction or liquidate the subject matter and place the proceeds in escrow. 标的物不适于提存或者提存费用过高的,债务人依法可以拍卖或者变卖标的物,提存所得的价款。
Where the subject-matter insured is mortgaged, the mortgagor has an insurable interest in the full value thereof, and the mortgagee has an insurable interest in respect of any sum due or to become due under the mortgage. 在保险标的被抵押之场合,抵押人对抵押物的全部价值有保险利益,而抵押权人对抵押贷款合同下其所付的或应付的有关金额有保险利益。
Where the subject-matter is destroyed, or so damaged as to cease to be a thing of the kind insured, or where the assured is irretrievably deprived thereof, there is an actual total loss. 当保险标的完全灭失,或者损坏程度严重到不再是与原保险标的类似的事物,或者被保险人无可挽回地丧失了该保险标的者,构成实际全损。

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