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As my point of view, when you are healthy in body and sound in mind you are basically happy.

As my friend raves on about her new love, I've taken a good look at my old one. 当我的朋友幸福地大谈特谈她的新欢时,我对我的旧爱细细审视了一遍。
As my friend slept by the window I slowly noticed the man sitting next to me. 在令人惊异的海滩上我们玩得像神话般的开心。
As my own studies have advanced,I have been increasingly impre ed with the functional similarities between i ect and vertebrate societies and le so with the structural differences that seem,at first glance,to co titute such an imme e gulf between them. 随着我的研究不断深入,我对昆虫和脊椎动物群落之间的功能类似性印象愈来愈深刻,而对结构上的差异印象愈发淡漠,虽然这些结构上的差异初看上去似乎构成了二者间一条无法愈越的鸿沟。
As my own studies have advanced,I have been increasingly impressed with the functional similarities between insect and vertebrate societies and less so with the structural differences that seem,at first glance,to constitute such an immense gulf between th 随着我的研究不断深入,我对昆虫和脊椎动物群落之间的功能类似性印象愈来愈深刻,而对结构上的差异印象愈发淡漠,虽然这些结构上的差异初看上去似乎构成了二者间一条无法愈越的鸿沟。
As my point of view, I would like to suggest that we might emulate Finland and, under the auspices of the Council for Cultural Affairs (rather than the Education Ministry) establish a Cultural Enterprise Councilwith the mission of brainstorming strategies 笔者建议可以仿照芬兰的作法,在文建会(而非教育部)底下设立「文化产业委员会」,思考台湾文化产业的发展策略与具体方法。
As my point of view, when you are healthy in body and sound in mind you are basically happy. 我认为一个人身心健康时他就是基本快乐的。
As my son and I could not go to Tokyo for the premiere of the film, Studio Ghibli very kindly brought us a copy, and gave us a private screening at a downtown theater on Sunday August 6, 2006. 因我儿子和我无法前往东京参予该片的首映,吉卜力工作室非常体贴的带给我们一份拷贝,并在两千零六年八月六日,星期日,于一间市区的电影院为我们举办了一次私人放映会。
As my soul heals the shame. 当我的灵魂中,羞愧记忆的伤痕慢慢愈合。
As my thoughts on that subject began to be marshalled and spoken, I may have been formally influenced by Gray's pentameter quatrains. 在我整理这些思绪并表达出来的时候,格雷的五音步四行体可能就在形式上影响了我了。
As native Athenian Panos Demestiha observed: Athens by day is unlivable, but it's magical at night. 雅典本地人帕诺斯·德默斯蒂亚说:“白天的雅典是不适于居住的,但夜晚的它是迷人的。”
As natural as it is for each member of my body to be ready every moment to do what is needful for the welfare of the whole, even so, where the Holy Spirit has entire possession, the consciousness of union with Christ will ever be accompanied by consciousn 就如同我们的身体,那个地方出了状况有问题,其它器官自然会本能地去帮补,若某个弟兄姐妹们有困难,其它的弟兄姐妹很自然地会去帮补,因为耶稣是头,弟兄姐妹们都是属基督的身体,既有这层关连,彼此扶持代祷乃责无旁贷的责任。

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