The big moment has come at last!
重要的时刻终于到来了! |
The big money in pyramiding is made in the run between accumulation and distribution.
在金字塔中赚钱的大量的金钱是通过成功的积累与合理分配的。 |
The big names are in the super middleweight division, and that has not happened.
知名人物都在超中量级,并且还没发生什么。 |
The big new road mars the beauty of the countryside.
这条新的大路破坏了农村的美景。 |
The big news out of China this week involved Yao Ming's marriage to longtime girlfriend Ye Li.
本周,从中国传来的重要新闻是,姚明和他的多年女友叶莉喜结良缘。 |
The big news though is that Blizzard has introduced new dynamic spawn rates for Outlands that changes the spawn rate for a Monster based on how many people are in the immediate mini-zone.
最大的消息还是来自于暴雪大神公布了新的怪物动态刷新率:外域的怪物将根据所在地区人物的多少来改变刷新率。 |
The big nose turned like a gun being trained round as he looked at each officer in turn; his face with its unshaven cheeks bore an expression of coarse triumph.
当他依次看向各个军官的时候,大鼻子就像一门大炮在依次瞄准;他那没刮干净胡须的脸上带着一种粗鄙的胜利表情。 |
The big phone company, majority-owned by the Singapore government, has boosted its fortunes recently with savvy regional investments and acquisitions.
这家新加坡政府拥有大部分所有权的电讯业巨头,由于其洞悉区域性投资和回报,近来利润大幅度攀升。 |
The big problem in fabrication is how to control contamination and foreign materials.
制造中的一个大问题是如何控制污染以及杂质。 |
The big problem is when you lose more than one crucial player,' said Mourinho after Boxing Day's 2-2 draw with Reading.
“最大的问题是,你缺少了不止一名的关键球员,”穆里尼奥在节礼日2-2平了雷丁之后说。 |
The big project engages us so much that we can't manage to take a holiday this year.
这个大工程使我们如此忙碌以至于今年没有一次渡假。 |