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The company did away with private offices.

The company developed rapidly under his administration. 在他的管理下,公司发展得很快。
The company develops a philosophy of behavior of “Sincerity Being the Base and Behavior Overriding one's Work” and persists in its market principle of “Good Quality Products, Favorable Prices and high grade service” and as a result ,it has won the trust o 由于公司发扬了“以诚为本、做事先做人”的为人之道,坚持了“优质产品、优惠价格、优质服务”的市场方针,因而赢得了广大用户的信赖。
The company develops different parts of bamboo, such as bamboo leaf, tabasheer, Caulis bambusae in Taeniis, Zhuli, bamboo shoot, bamboo rod in modern biology application fields, involving medical intermediate, raw materials for health food, food additives 本公司在竹类资源现代生物利用领域的研发活动涵盖了竹叶、竹青、竹黄、竹茹、竹沥、竹笋、竹竿等全竹的不同部位,涉及医药中间体、保健品原料、食品添加剂、饲料添加剂、生物杀虫剂、日用化妆品等多个行业。
The company develops series products of the CATV photoemission equipment and the light receiving equipment and most early obtains the certificate to enter the net from original Bureau of Broadcast and TV. 公司开发生产的CATV光发射设备、光接收设备系列产品最早获得原广电部入网证书、被国家科委评为高科技新产品。
The company devotes itself to provide finest circuits board printing,engineering ,design,improvement,production and after sales service.We have established a sales and marketing office in Hong Kong and Mainland China.And our highly experienced business an 与此同时,我们在香港及国内均设有销售及市场推广办事处,经验丰富的业务及工程人员,随时为客户提供全面专业及快捷的技术支援。
The company did away with private offices. 这公司取消了私人办公室。
The company director must have felt embarrassed at reading out such an abnormally low set of figures, because he stumbled over that part of his report. 公布低得如此不正常的一组数据一定让公司经理觉得难堪,因为在读报告的那一部分时他吞吞吐吐。
The company distributed two rooms for the manager. 公司给经理分了两间房.
The company distributed two rooms to the manager. 公司给经理分了两间房.
The company distributes the Polypropylene and Polyethylene products from Shangdong Qilu Petrochemistry and Hunan Yueyang Petrochemistry as well as other domestic and imported plastic materials, such as products from Yangzi Petrochemistry. 公司主要代理销售山东齐鲁石化、湖南岳阳石化的聚丙烯、聚乙烯产品,兼营扬子石化等国内、国外塑料原材料。
The company does not disclose each athlete's financial stake. 该公司没有披露每个运动员的金融风险.

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