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Mobile Drilling Rigs, which were contrived with the development of offshore oil exploration and exploitation, are inevitably combined with accidents during in operation.

Moab is my washpot; over Edom will I cast out my shoe; over Philistia will I triumph. 诗108:9摩押是我的沐浴盆.我要向以东抛鞋.我必因胜非利士呼喊。
Moab said to the elders of Midian, Now this horde will lick up all that is around us, as the ox licks up the grass of the field.And Balak the son of Zippor was king of Moab at that time. 民22:4对米甸的长老说、现在这众人要把我们四围所有的、一概尽、就如牛尽田间的草一般.那时西拨的儿子巴勒、作摩押王。
Moab will be broken; her little ones will cry out. 4摩押毁灭了。她的孩童(或作家僮)发哀声,使人听见。
Moab will be destroyed as a nation because she defied the LORD. 42摩押必被毁灭,不再成国,因她向耶和华夸大。
Moab's horn is cut off; her arm is broken,declares the LORD. 25摩押的角砍断了,摩押的膀臂折断了。这是耶和华说的。
Mobile Drilling Rigs, which were contrived with the development of offshore oil exploration and exploitation, are inevitably combined with accidents during in operation. 摘要随着海上石油勘探开发的发展,移动式钻井平台应运而生。
Mobile Internet Protocol of realization tradition structure exist deficiency in search route. 摘要介绍了通信代理和自行建立两种实现结构。
Mobile Warp Disruptor tech 2 blueprints invention run times and invention chance have been fixed. 机动跃迁抑阻设备二级科技蓝图使用次数和发明几率问题都已修正。
Mobile cellular coverage of population in percent. 移动蜂窝电话人口覆盖率。
Mobile dictionary that contains information such as atomic weight, date of discovery, country of discovery etc. about all elements. 移动字典:关于原子量,元素发现时间,在哪个国家发现等等,一切的内容都和元素有关。
Mobile handset, telecommunication history and events related. 其他手机,通讯历史和事件等等。

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