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It's difficult to make friends with her; she's constantly on the offensive.

It's difficult to get a job in present circumstance of economic recession. 在日前经济不景气的情况下很难找到工作。
It's difficult to get ahead but more difficult to remain ahead. 领先是难的,要保持领先就更难。
It's difficult to get spare parts for old washing-machines. 旧洗衣机的配件已很难弄到.
It's difficult to keep one's balance on an icy street. 在结冰的街道上保持平衡是不容易的。
It's difficult to make a decision without knowing all the facts. 不知道全部情况,很难做出决定。
It's difficult to make friends with her; she's constantly on the offensive. 跟她交朋友十分困难;她这个人口角尖酸、咄咄逼人。
It's difficult to make sheep farming pay here. 养羊业在这里难有收益.
It's difficult to please her. 要取悦她是很困难的。
It's difficult to recruit teachers of quality. 要聘请到素质好的老师是很困难的。
It's difficult to sell a house with a sitting tenant. 住著房客的房子很难卖.
It's difficult to study this using neuronal stimulation, because there's no easy way to ensure equivalence of the stimuli used to activate different regions. 由于很难确定激发不同区域的刺激是等值的,这很难用神经元模拟来探讨。

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