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Because while his letters, someone says, are weighty and strong, his bodily presence is weak and his speech contemptible.

Because when hand once come to a stop, the brain is then the meeting drive sad fill with with the pain! 因为当手一旦停下来了,脑子便会被伤感和苦痛所占满!
Because when he discovered the amazing integration of natural light and view, and demonstrate its unique beauty by his outstanding paintbrush, no one shared this with him! 因为在他发现了自然界的光和景的美妙组合并用超凡脱俗的画笔表现了它的独特的美时候,竟然没有人与他分享!
Because when parents play banker to our kids, we face the same problem real banks contend with : bad debt. 父母在孩子面前充当银行家角色的时候,他们面临着真实世界里的银行同样要对付的问题:坏帐。
Because when real people fall down in life... they get right back up and keep on walking. 因为现实中人们摔倒的时候,他们都是立刻爬起来继续前行的。
Because when that kind of story is told with respect for the characters, the story, and the audience, you'll buy into it. 因为一旦认真对待其中的人物和情节,诚心诚意地对观众讲述这么一个故事,你就会入迷。
Because while his letters, someone says, are weighty and strong, his bodily presence is weak and his speech contemptible. 10因为有人说,他的信又沉重,又强硬,他亲身的同在却是软弱,言语又是可鄙。
Because while you may see back four holding a more or less curved line (with DL/DR pushing forward a bit), you are not going to see 4 midfielders drawing a straight (or even slightly) curved line - what you will see is a holding midfielder (if a team play 因为你可能见过四名后卫保持一条略微弯曲的线(DL/DR稍微向前一点),你肯定没见过四名中场保持一条直线(甚至轻微)曲线――你见到的是一名控球中场(如果球队有)略微拖在后面(但他在需要时也会冒险前插)和一名共计中场紧跟在锋线后面(同样,他也会回拉防守――如果他有好的团队属性,需要时甚至回拉到DMC身后)。
Because women are themselves mothered by women, they grow up with the relational capacities and needs, and psychological definition of self-in-relationship, which commits them to mothering. 由于女人是被女人养育成人的,伴随她们成长的是对关系的容适力和需求,还有成为母亲的自我心理定位的形成。
Because women fawn over them, they reason that any woman would be happy to have them. 因为是女人去讨好他们,所以他们就推想任何女人拥有了他们都会感到快乐。
Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage! 因为她们终于发现不需要为了一根香肠,买回整只猪!
Because women wear hair longer. 因为女人头发留得长。

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