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Local Afghan officials say four policemen and an Afghan soldier were also killed in the attack.

Lobbyists say this is good for working women - but bad for business. The£2billion cost will come from recruiting and training workers to cover new mothers' longer absences. 游说人士称,这一新规定对女员工有利,但对企业不利。由于产假的延长,企业将在招聘及培训“补缺”员工上花费20亿英镑的成本。
Lobbyists use slush fund to bribe public officials. 用来贿赂知名政客或其他有影响力的官员的资金。
Lobster has eight legs and two long claws. 龙虾有八条腿两条爪子。
Lobsters turn scarlet when they are boiled. 龙虾在被煮熟的时候会变红。
Lobular capillary hemangioma usually affects the skin and oral mucosa, and rare the nose. 摘要小叶状毛细血管瘤常发生于表皮和口腔粘膜,于鼻腔少见。
Local Afghan officials say four policemen and an Afghan soldier were also killed in the attack. 阿富汗当地官员称,四个警察和一名阿富汗士兵在袭击中丧身。
Local Churches watched Lee videos, repeated Lee's teachings in their meetings, credited Lee by name dozens of times in those same meetings, had book service rooms only stocked with Lee's writings, and considered anything essentially not from Lee a product 众地方召会看李的录影带,在他们的聚会里重复李的教导,在这些聚会里多次重复归功于李的名子,书房只卖李的著作,并认为任何不从李来的东西都是宗教的巴比伦的产品,或者,最起码,是内容有害的。
Local Government: The government issued a constitutional decree modifying the federal system by creating 26 autonomous states to replace the previous nine. 行政区划:1991年正式实行联邦体制,全国划分为9个州,下属66个省。
Local Islamic hardliners are calling for the three men to be executed. 当地的穆斯林强硬派要求执行三人的死刑判决。
Local Magistrate: (To his troops) Arm yourselves! 地方官:对他的军队:备战!
Local TV stations can boast margins north of 50 percent. 地方电视台的利润更是高达50%以上。

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