Instead,it seems that creative thinking,which is one of the most highly valued skills in society,is a matter of habits.
相反的,创造性思维-社会上评价最高的一种技能似乎是习惯产生的。 |
Instead,we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles,which now more than ever seem in ample supply: the critic of American materialism with a Southampton summer home; the publisher of radical books who takes his meals in threestar restaurants; the jour
相反我们目睹了比以前任何时候都多的虚伪景观:美国物欲主义批评家在南安普顿拥有一幢避暑别墅,激进图书的出版商在三星级餐馆就餐,倡导终生参与民主制的新闻记者把自己的子女送进私立学校。 |
Instead17, I expect the old duality of a host communityand immigrantswhose bad luck it is to be excluded and disadvantaged to have vanished18.
相反,我预计主流社区和外来移民(其厄运就是受排挤和吃亏)那种老的二元结构到时候将会消失。 |
Instead: analyze the process, its components, and how you can change them, to arrive at other results.
相反,分析这个过程,和它的组成,以及怎么改变他们,以致到达其他的结果。 |
Instead, I looked back into his soft brown eyes and tried to form the words.
但我没有叫,而是迎向他那双温柔的棕色的眼睛,努力组织着话语。 |
Instead, the trick is to say as little as possible: in the early days it is far too risky to commit oneself by saying anything much at all.
相反,真正的技巧是少说为妙:在早期,最好什么都不要说,免得难脱干系,担上过高风险。 |
Instead,he asked his father why he was not able to hatch chickens while hens could.
他反而问他父亲,为什么他不能孵出小鸡,而母鸡却能。 |
Instigates a collective leave-taking movement which affects the normal operation of the Company.
煽惑或鼓动集体休假而影响本公司正常运作者。 |
Instilling customer-oriented service conception, and in rendering multi-function services to the general public.
建立以顾客需求为导向的经营理念,提供社会大众全方位服务功能。 |
Instinct drives moss plunging into fire; what is the reason that makes people go to traps free-willed?
飞蛾扑火的理由是受到本能驱使,而人自投罗网为的是什麽? |
Instinct is not always a good guide .
凭本能行事不一定都对. |