This paper want to indagate the meaning of Tang's Joint Authorship Poems.
本文透过诗歌的溯源探流,考察唐代联句诗在文学史上的意义。 |
This paper was developed to review recent advances in the study of limb apraxia in order to further understand the nature of this disorder and possible approaches to its interventions.
摘要本篇报告整合及分析肢体性动作失用症具代表性之重要文献,以进一步了解该症状的本质及可能的治疗方式。 |
This paper was studied by using interfacial polymerization to produce the photochromic dyes microcapsules, which were made from urea and melamine polymer as shell, photochromic dyes as core and toluene as solvent.
摘要本研究以界面聚合法制备光可变色性染料微胶囊,以尿素、美耐明为壳物质,光可变色性染料为核物质,甲苯为溶剂。 |
This paper which accords to the charactrers of the Markov chain and uses the mathematic model of the number of entrance students predicts the number of entrance students.
根据马尔可夫链的特点,通过建立学校报考人数的数学模型来对学校报考人数进行预测。 |
This paper will attempt to study the social functions of media through the case study of Tsunami around Indian Ocean in December 2004.
本文将通过对大众媒介在2004年12月发生的印度洋海啸灾难事件中扮演的角色分析,来考察大众媒介在现代社会所发挥的社会功能。 |
This paper will classify the ancient Chinese novels into five types: the symbolic, the symbolic-realistic, the harmonious, the realistic, and the allegorical.
具体地说,就是应以内容与形式、意义与形象等相互关系为分类依据。 |
This paper will define the conditons of recreational site asthe external and objective conditions tobe offered by recreational site, wich include resource development pattern, resource characteristic, accommodation facility, various recreational itinerari
摘要本文将游憩据点条件定义为游憩据点所能提供之客观外在条件,包括资源发展型态、资源特性、住宿设施、可提供游憩时程、交通状况等。 |
This paper will discuss an intelligent large-scale hydrauli c turbine type design system, which has raised the engineers' design efficiency.
把基于实例的推理技术引入水轮机选型设计,探讨了一个基于人工智能技术的水轮机选型设计系统。 |
This paper will discussed that in the process of Acheson's China Policy developed, how the situation both internal and international, Acheson's personality, and his preconception of China, influence his final decision.
本文之焦点,主要在讨论艾其逊再酝酿其对华政策时,面对何种国内外情势,以及其个人的特质与成见,对其对华政策造成的影响。 |
This paper will expand on one or more of the topics that will be discussed in class and/or in the readings.
这份报告将会详述至少一个我们在课堂上与/或阅读文章中讨论的主题。 |
This paper will generalize and discover Scriabin's peculiar composing method and the characteristics of musical language in his piano music.
本文将从中归纳、发现斯克里亚宾钢琴作品中独特的写作手法及音乐语言。 |