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Before adjourning, councillors must stop procrastinating and revisit this controversial issue.

Before a baby understands spoken language, parents can provide their child the feeling of safety and love by hugging and playing with their baby or speaking to him in a gentle tone of voice. 在婴儿懂话之前,父母可藉著拥抱、轻柔地逗弄和温婉的语气将安全和爱的感觉传达给他,这是良好亲子沟通初浅的开始。
Before a construction project is put into production or use, its facilities for prevention and control of environmental noise pollution must be inspected by the competent administrative department for environmental protection that originally approved the 建设项目在投入生产或者使用之前,其环境噪声污染防治设施必须经原审批环境影响报告书的环境保护行政主管部门验收;达不到国家规定要求的,该建设项目不得投入生产或者使用。
Before a person applies for naturalization or restoring nationality, his/her formal name shall be identified by the permit of naturalization or restoration of nationality. 申请归化、回复国籍者,于设户籍前,本名之证明为归化、回复国籍许可证书。
Before a planned visit by President Eisenhower, he had summoned some 38,000 heavies to protect the presidential motorcade before the visit was called off. 当时为准备艾森豪威尔总统的计划访问,他召集了38000名暴徒保护总统的摩托车队,之后访问取消。
Before about 1960, virtually all accounts of evolution assumed most adaptation to be a product of selection at the level of populations; recent studies of evolution, however, have found no basis for this pervasive view of selection. 在1960年以前,事实上几乎所有对于进化的记述都假设大部分适应性改变都是在种群层面的选择的结果;但是最近对于进化论的研究,全没有发现这种普遍性的关于选择的观点有任何基础。
Before adjourning, councillors must stop procrastinating and revisit this controversial issue. 在休会之前,参议员必须停止拖延,重新讨论这个引起争议的问题。
Before admitting hydrogen into a system, purge it with nitrogen to ensure that a flammable mixture cannot be developed. 在允许氢气进入系统前,用氮气吹扫以保证系统不会产生可燃性混合物。
Before an audit or validation of a function point count can take place a procedure should be in place to evaluate a the count(s). 在审计或功能点估算验证进行之前,都应该有一套程序支持。
Before and after new China was established, the policy on China by U.S.A. is in the state of playing pendulum. 摘要新中国成立前后,美国对华政策处于摇摆不定的状态。
Before and after reading out the signals, you can extract noise existing within the pixels themselves, and then cancel it out by subtracting it at a later stage. 在读取信号之前和之后,你可以提取存在于象素中的噪音信号,然后在后续的过程中通过减去这些噪音信号来达到消除它们的目的。
Before and after the September 18th Incident, relying on its geographical advantage gained through invading and occupying Korea, Japan instigated Korean Wave People to carry out wild smuggling activities in the Northeast of China. 九一八事变前后,日本利用吞并朝鲜后的地理优势,策动朝鲜浪人大肆对中国东北地区进行猖獗的走私活动,这是20世纪30年代日本对华走私狂潮的前奏。

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