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Homogeneity showed that random effect model should be selecte d to calculate the pooling relative risk(RR)and its corresponding9%confide nce interval(9%CI).

History and Development of the Art of Guitar 谈吉他艺术的历史与发展
History and Present Study of the Rorschach Inkblot Method in the Western World 罗夏墨迹测验在西方的发展历史与研究现状
History of aspiration was present in 9 .% of children,asthmatic wheeze in 7.8%,retraction during inspiration in 0.%,cyanosis in 7.%,hoarseness in 9.% and audible stridor in .%. 9 .%有异物吸入史,喘鸣占7.8%、吸气性凹陷0.%、发绀7.%、声音嘶哑9.%、气管拍击音.%。 例(.9%)患儿病情突变,表现发绀、呼吸困难,神志不清。
Hoarding habitat selection of squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) in Liangshui Nature Reserve 凉水自然保护区松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)贮食生境选择
Hoffman's virtual guilt theory: the progress of guilt study in psychological field 霍夫曼虚拟内疚理论:内疚研究的心理学进展(英文)
Homogeneity showed that random effect model should be selecte d to calculate the pooling relative risk(RR)and its corresponding9%confide nce interval(9%CI). 根据资料一致性检验,采用随机效应模型(D-L法)计算合并相对危险度(RR)及其9%的可信区间(9%CI)。
Homologies of Infinite Quivers 无限箭图的同调群(英文)
Homologues of Nodulin Genes in Oryza sativa 水稻中结瘤素基因的同源基因研究
Homology searches with the deduced 9 amino acid protein sequence revealed human N-RAP shares 88% similarity with murine N-RAP, 90% with rat N-RAP, % with human Nebulin, 8% with rat Nebulin, 0% with chick Nebulin and 9% with murine Nebulin. 小鼠(NP 0 79)和大鼠N-RAP蛋白(XP 7 7)以及人(NP 00 )、小鼠(AAC78)、大鼠(XP 99)和鸡Nebulin蛋白(BAB87 )与人N-RAP一样,均含有多个串联重复的nebulin相关重复序列,相似的序列和结构域组成提示它们同属Nebulin家族。
Honeymoon in Corsica 在科西嘉岛度蜜月(英文)
Hook.,and Nervilia plicata (Andrews) Schltr. f. 和毛叶芋兰Nervilia plicata(Andrews)Schltr.

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