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Have each player pick a playing card out of a hat. It could be a fun exercise.

Have custom power of attorney completed by director of company. 贵公司董事签署的海关权限委托书。
Have direct impact on the company's operation objective and profit earning in the fields of production and material control management and customer satisfaction. 影响公司整体的生产及物料管理与控制及客户满意度,从而对公司经营及利润目标产生直接影响。
Have drive and initiative and willing to work overtime. 有驾驶经验并能积极主动开展工作。
Have each child draw three pictures of turkeys on large index cards. 要每个孩子都来画火鸡,在每张大索引卡上画三只火鸡。
Have each child stuff a bag with newspapers to form the main body of the turkey. 要每个孩子都做一个塞满报纸的包用来当作火鸡的主体部分。
Have each player pick a playing card out of a hat. It could be a fun exercise. 让各个球员采摘一张纸牌在帽子外面。这能是乐趣锻炼。
Have each time what game, you thought of me first, am a lot of opportunities for me, let me become school open competition to spoil son. 就是因为您给我的机会,我第一次成为了学校公开演出的主持人。那一次的成就感足以让我回味很久很久。
Have electronics profession level of technical secondary school, electrician's foundation, electronics electrocircuit as well as simple machine knowledge which can all be put into use in fulfillment. 具有中专的电子专业水平,电工基础,电子电路,简单的机械知识均能在实践中运用。
Have enough rest when you need. Don't overdraft your body. 充分的休息,别透支你的体力!
Have enthusiastic social public good , is obtained the award and praised the persons who note down publicly . 具有热心社会公益,受公开获奖表扬纪录者。
Have ethical standards been adhered to in all phases of the research? 研究的过程中是否存在任何种族的特质?

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