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Stay logged on during the next week for the best possible coverage of the Reds' bid to win the Barclays Asia trophy.

Stay in the ring. I'm fresh out of school. You call the shots. 不要放弃.我刚从学校毕业.由你指挥.
Stay in the shade. Don't get sunburnt. 呆在阴凉处。不要被晒伤了。
Stay in you those feeling and settling down? 待在那你是否感到安心呢?
Stay inside,please.It is raining cats and dogs now. 别出去了,外面正下大雨呢.
Stay involved in your church where you can worship and fellowship with others and serve Him (Hebrews 10:25). 应当积极参与教会崇拜,和弟兄姊妹交往,一同服事上帝(希伯来书10章25节)。
Stay logged on during the next week for the best possible coverage of the Reds' bid to win the Barclays Asia trophy. 下周就坐在电脑前等待最可信的关于红军赢得巴克莱亚锦赛冠军奖杯的新闻报道吧。
Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love. 5求你们给我葡萄乾增补我力,给我苹果畅快我心,因我思爱成病。
Stay on marked trails, minimize trash and don't start fires. 跟着标示的步道走,将垃圾量减到最低且不要生火。
Stay on my wing!Head for the command ship's hangar. 呆在我的机翼上!前往指挥舰的修理库.
Stay on one frequency and keep on calling. 在一个频率上坚持地呼叫(换句话说就是不要轻易扫地?)
Stay on that road, and you'll cross a blue bridge. 沿着路开下去,你会经过一座蓝色的桥。

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