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I'm sorry to inform you of this, but we found that-

I'm sorry to hear that. I'll ask a repairman to come to your room at once. 很抱歉听您这么说。我马上叫修理工到您房间来。
I'm sorry to hear that. Let's go to see him after school. (听到这个消息我很难过。我们放学后去看看他吧。)
I'm sorry to hear that. Sooner or later, the contracts are going to dry up. Maybe then you'll reconsider. 我对此表示遗憾。迟早任务要失败。也许那时你会重新考虑。 听到这个我很难过。或迟或早,合同会枯竭的。也许那时你会重新考虑。
I'm sorry to hear the burglary. 听说这里被盗我感到很遗憾。
I'm sorry to inflict myself on you so late, but my ear ran into the fence and I must telephone the garage. 很抱歉这么晚来打扰你,但我的车撞到篱笆墙了,我得打电话给修理厂。
I'm sorry to inform you of this, but we found that- 很抱歉通知您,我们发觉-
I'm sorry to interrupt, sir, but the director of Buzz Electronics has just arrived. He would like to speak to you rather urgently. 请原谅打扰你一下,先生。巴茨电子公司的总裁已经到了。他非常急切地要和你谈一谈。
I'm sorry to keep you waiting for long. 对不起,让您久等了.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but we're still trying to locate Mr. Wang. Do you wish to hold on a little longer? 很抱歉让你久等,不过我们还在找王先生。您愿意再多等一会儿吗?
I'm sorry to keep you waiting. 抱歉让你等待。
I'm sorry to kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等。

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