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We have specialized expertise in the fields of real estate , international investment , finance , capital market and commercial action arbitrate, but also strengthened our international and diverse competition by innovation.

We have some noodles but is no juice. 有一些面条但是没有果汁。
We have some proprietary specifics. 我们有专卖特效药。
We have some trial function to test the δ-function like correlatioin function. 我们使用两种测试方程式作为热库的关联方程式,以进行计算。
We have something of the same opinion today, in the insistence of our government that only certain sorts of nations have a right to nuclear weapons. 现今,我们也有同样的观感,我们的政府坚持只有某些国家才有权拥有核武。
We have special steak, fried chicken or shrimp with vegetables and rice. 我们有牛排、炸鸡或炸虾特餐,以及时菜炒饭等。
We have specialized expertise in the fields of real estate , international investment , finance , capital market and commercial action arbitrate, but also strengthened our international and diverse competition by innovation. 本所在巩固自身的房地产、国际投资、金融、资本市场和商事诉讼仲裁等领域的传统优势外,同时以稳健和创新的风格日益增强国际化、多元化服务的竞争力。
We have specialized in manufacturing a full series of professional pneumatic tools for over 20 years. 我们专业生产系列气动工具已有20余年的历史了。
We have specific plans for every aspect of the area's development including green, water system, traffic, infrastructure, housing, tourism etc. 对于这个区域的发展我们有专门的规划,涉及到包括绿地、水系统、交通、基础建设、住宅群、观光旅游等的各个方面。
We have specified the plan for three weeks. 我们已经釐清这计划3个礼拜。.
We have spent 3 days out of a 15-days trip to enjoy 3 sunsets and 3 sunrises in Myanmar, is it amazing? 人生中的十五天,在缅甸看了三天日出和日落,是我人生一大创举!
We have spent a great deal of memorable time here. 我们在这里度过了许多难忘的时光。

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