The polluted water is becoming an international issue as it flows into Russia and other parts of Asia.
此外,污水还流入俄罗斯和亚洲其他地区,已成为一个国际性问题。 |
The pollution had destroyed ozone layer and caused many changes in weather.
污染破坏了臭氧层,并引起了许多天气变化。 |
The pollution is out of hand and becomes very dangerous.
污染失去控制, 十分危险。 |
The pollution of river estuaries and harbors has markedly increased corrosion problems of heat exchanger cooler tubes using seawater as cooling water.
摘要采用受污染海水爲冷却水的热交换器冷却管之腐蚀问题通常都比预期的要严重。 |
The pollution of water makes residents vulnerable to diseases.
水的污染使居民们容易得病。 |
The pollution situation of Si Dao Sha river and impact on environment were summarized, and control targets of Si Dao Sha river pollution were put forward.
摘要本文对四道沙河污染状况及其对环境的影响进行了概述,并提出四道沙河水污染的控制目标。 |
The poll, conducted by the University of Hong Kong's public opinion programme, found 81 per cent of re ondents su ort electing the chief executive through universal suffrage in 2007.
香港大学民意研究计划的民意调查显示,百分之八十一的市民支持于二零零七年普选行政长官。 |
The poll, conducted by the University of Hong Kong's public opinion programme, found 81 per cent of respondents support electing the chief executive through universal suffrage in 2007.
香港大学民意研究计划的民意调查显示,百分之八十一的市民支持于二零零七年普选行政长官。 |
The poly-fit equation takes into account the effects of the eccentricity ratio, yield ratio of material and the nominal crack length and gives satisfactory accuracy comparing to the experiment results.
该回归公式包含了多个参数对板的极限拉伸强度的影响,与实验结果吻合较好。 |
The polycarbonate itself is part of the optical system for reading the pits.
聚碳酸脂本身是用于读取坑形的光学系统的一部分。 |
The polyethylene polymer was discovered in the 1930’s and led to the rapid development of other polymers, including polyvinyl chloride, polyproplene, and polyesters.
20世纪30年代发现了聚乙烯后,包括聚氯乙烯、聚丙烯和聚酯在内的其它高分子聚合物迅速发展。 |