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A responsible administrative position which will provide challenge and freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play.

A resolved Chao said that joining the ROC Air Force was the best choice she has made in her life. 赵雅慧深信加入中华民国空军,是她这辈子最好的选择。
A resonant love story, The Element Of Water follows Isolde, a young teacher who chances upon her father's Nazi past. 《水之元素》是一个荡气回肠的爱情故事,讲述了年轻女教师伊索尔特偶然发现她父亲的纳粹史的故事。
A respectable man is one who is worthy of being respected. 一个令人尊敬的人是值得受人尊敬的。
A respiratory infection often causing chronic eye infections that are unresponsive to treatment. Vaccinate every for prevention. 一种呼吸系统传染疾病,可导致长期眼睛感染而对治疗无效的情况。预防方法:每年准行防疫注射。
A responsibility center is any point within an organization where control over the incurrence of cost or the generating of revenues is found. 责任中心即在某一企业内能控制成本的发生或收入产生的任何点。
A responsible administrative position which will provide challenge and freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play. 负责管理的职位,该职位将提供挑战和自由,使我能充分发挥我的进取精神及创造能力。
A responsible company is supposed to provide old employees annuities after retirement. 负责任的公司应该在老员工退休后提供养老金。
A responsible team player that fits the company's culture and who is self-disciplined and motivated. 具备良好的团队合作精神,适应企业的文化,能够自我监督。
A responsible, reputable breeder knows the genetics behind a pedigree. 负责任的、有信誉的繁育者会了解一个血统背后的遗传问题。
A rest in the shade will cool you down. 在阴凉处休息会使你凉爽。
A restatement of a text or passage in another form or other words, often to clarify meaning. 释义,意义用其它形式或词语来重述一篇课文或文章的语句,通常用以阐释意义

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