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An air pollution device that removes noxious gases and vapors through incineration. Afterburners are found on web presses in particular.

An agreement was finally reached after a series of time-consuming negotiations. 经过一连串耗时的协商,大家终于达成了协议。
An agreement was reached: Conspiracy of Silence was pulled, and with no rights for sale or broadcast by any other program; Yorkshire TV would be reimbursed for the costs of production, the Discovery Channel itself would never be linked to the documentary; 一个协定达成了,保持缄默的协定被推动,并且将无权销售或播放由其他任何节目;约克郡电视台将被赔偿制作节目的费用,探索频道它自己将不会链接到纪录片,并且保持缄默的协定的拷贝将被毁灭。
An ague in the spring is physic for a king. 春天一场病,一年不服药。
An aide or an aide-de-camp. 副官,侍从武官
An air gap provides the unobstructed, physical separation between the discharge end of a potable water supply line and an open receiving vessel. 在饮用水供应系统的排放末端和开敞的接受容器之间,气隙提供不被堵塞的硬件分离。
An air pollution device that removes noxious gases and vapors through incineration. Afterburners are found on web presses in particular. 中义把有毒气体或蒸气在焚化炉中去除的装置,印刷中在轮转印刷机上可见到此装置。
An air stewardess came and asked him if he would like some drink. 一位空中小姐走过来,问他是否想要些饮料。
An air vent connected to the other side of the pipe is fitted with a puppet so it can be propped inside, looking like just another of baby's stuffed toys. 管子另一端是小空调排气孔,上面可以装上一只玩偶,玩偶不但固定了管子,还装点了婴儿车。
An air-conditioning unit outside the house or building runs uses electricity to cool the air and then sends into the building through openings in the rooms of the buildings. 室外的一个空调装置则使用电力将空气的温度下降,下降的空气通过房间的通道送往整栋大楼。
An air-filled sac found in large numbers in the thalli of certain seaweeds (e.g. bladderwrack). 气囊2在一些海草的植物体中大量的发现的充满空气的囊。例如墨角藻。
An air-filled sac or structure that aids in the flotation of an aquatic organism. 气囊水生动植物器官中用来帮助飘浮用的充满气体的囊或结构

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