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She said, When we were both dead ten years later, I must turn into him and he must turn into me, then he could drink the half bowl of gruel that I give him!

She said, Let your maidservant find favor in your sight.So the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad. 撒上1:18哈拿说、愿婢女在你眼前蒙恩.于是妇人走去吃饭、面上再不带愁容了。
She said, Okay,and followed him out of earshot other classmates. 然后跟着他走到其他同学听不到的地方。
She said, That's sailing a bit close to the wind, isn't it, Jack - using such bad language when your mother is here? 她说:「杰克,这就有些不像话了,不是吗?你母亲在场,怎麽能讲这种粗话呢?」
She said, When we are all dead ten years later, I must turn into him, and he must turn into me, then he could drink the half bowl of gruel that I give him! 她说:10年后如果我们都巳死了,我一定变成他,他一定变成我,然后他再来喝我送他的半碗粥!
She said, When we were all dead ten years later, I must turn into him and he must turn into me, then he could drink the half bowl of gruel that I give him! 她说:“10年后如果我们都巳死了,我一定变成他,他一定变成我,然后他再来喝我送他的半碗粥!”
She said, When we were both dead ten years later, I must turn into him and he must turn into me, then he could drink the half bowl of gruel that I give him! 她说:“10年后如果我们都巳死了,我一定变成他,他一定变成我,然后他再来喝我送他的半碗粥!”
She said, You mean we should all be Buddhists and swear off killing? 她说,“你的意思是我们都应该成为佛教徒,发誓不杀生?
She said, Daddy, when we get to Heaven, can I taste the Milky Way? 她说,爹地,当我们到了天堂,我能否尝尝「牛奶大道」的滋味?
She said, however, that the cognac was flattered, and took up her knitting. 不过她仍然说那是过奖了,然后又打起毛线来。
She said, plots currently include the use of homemade improvised explosives. 她说,目前的阴谋包括使用自制临时性的爆炸物。
She said, some of the plots, have clear links to al Qaida in Pakistan. 她说,一些阴谋显然和巴基斯坦的基地组织有关。

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