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Incarnate. You make some psionic effects permanent.

Incapable of error in expounding doctrine on faith or morals. 阐述教义无误的阐释有关信仰或精神的教义时不出错的
Incapable of fathoming such depravity, the great Titan began to slip into a brooding depression. 强大的泰坦无法感知这种恶毒和腐化到底有多么深重,他自己也陷入了不断膨胀的消极情绪之中。
Incapable of flying. Used of certain birds, such as the penguin. 鸟不会飞的不能飞行的。用于指企鹅等某类鸟
Incapable of having existence or of occurring. 不可能的不能存在或发生的
Incapacity poses almost as much of a threat to your financial well-being as death does. Fortunately, there are tools that can help you cope with this threat. 能力丧失几乎和死亡一样对你的财产构成威胁。幸运的是,有一些工具可以帮助你应对这些问题。
Incarnate. You make some psionic effects permanent. 灵能恒定术:使一些灵能永久有效。
Incase of making contribution in practicality,industrial property,and patented technology as capital,the joint venture partners shallprovide valid law document proofs showing their ownership,right of usage,right of disposition and evaluation. 以实物、工业产权、专有技术等作价出资的,必须出具所有权、使用权、处理权及作价价值的有效法律文件和说明。
Incase that angting unexpected happened,what do you intend to do? 万一发生意外的事情你打算如何应对。
Incense burner is symbol of “peace and wealth”, only the noble can own it. So it is the symbol of wealth and authority. 香炉是吉祥和平安的象征。只有贵族才能拥有,所以香炉是权力和财富的象征。
Incense can attune the finite to the Infinite. 薰香可以使有限调谐至无限。
Incentive is the soul of success. 激励是成功的关键。

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