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In what was a rare reunion, the trio startled onlookers with their youthful appearances.

In what respect do you think the film is biased? 你认为影片在哪一方面失之偏颇?
In what sense is Socrates a good citizen, if at all? 苏格拉底在什么层次上算是一个好的公民?
In what space will he ever cross Diana's inviolate gaze? 在怎样的空间里,他能越过戴安娜不可冒犯的眼光呢?
In what sports should I wear a mouthguard? 我应该在哪一种运动中戴护齿器?
In what the Club views as a severe over-reaction, local police handed out indiscriminate beatings to United supporters. 在这次俱乐部看来是属于球迷过激反应的事件中,罗马当地警察却不分青红皂白地向曼联球迷们大打出手。”
In what was a rare reunion, the trio startled onlookers with their youthful appearances. 在这次难得的重聚中,三位霹雳娇娃依然年轻的容貌震惊了所有观众。
In what way do most clients check out? 多数顾客以什么方式结账?
In what way does the media equationhold (or not) for your example? 你所举的例子在哪些方面使得“媒体等式”成立?
In what way has it raised the standard of living of any one of us? 它在哪一方面提高了我们中间任何一个人的生活水平呢?
In what way has it raised the standard of living of anyone of us? 它从什么方面提高了我们的生活水平呢?
In what way is an object-oriented program like a simulation? 在什麽方法下是一个物件导向设计像一个模拟?

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