This year's sales promotions haven't been very successful.
今年的推销活动不是很成功。 |
This year's straw poll was even less illuminating than previous ones.
与往年的意向投票相比,今年的亮点更少得可怜。 |
This year's summer movie season will feature Supermans's return to the big screen, a sequel to Pirates of the Caribbean and the third installments of X-Men and Mission:Impossible, but none will arrive with the fanfare of The Da Vinci Code.
今年美国夏季电影档将会是一场“龙虎斗”:《超人》将重返荧幕,另外,《加勒比海盗》的一部续集,《X战警3》和《谍中谍3》也将纷纷上映,但这些电影都将不及《达.芬奇密码》声势浩大。 |
This year's teaching will be the basis for a workshop session at the Sloan School's 50th Anniversary Convocation.
本年度的教材内容将做为史隆管理学院50周年大会学术研讨会议的基础。 |
This year's winner is an admirable anti-poverty campaigner, but it is a stretch to call him or the Grameen bank peacemakers.
今年的和平奖获得者是受人尊敬的反贫困斗士,但称他或者是农村银行为和平使者显然牵强。 |
This year's “ Best is Show ”was “ Rufus”, a bull terrier.
今年“狗狗秀”的得胜者是一只名叫“卢夫斯”的牛头梗狗。 |
This year, 159 countries were asked to nominate students for the next school year.
今年有159个国家被要求为下一学年推荐学生入学。 |
This year, 159 countries were asked to nominate students for the next school year.Not all countries take part in the program.
今年有159个国家受邀请推荐学员进入下一学期的学习,并不是所有国家都有所回应。 |
This year, 2007, New Year's Day falls on Sunday, February 18.
今年(2007年)的新年是2月18日这个星期天。 |
This year, Chinese people of all nationalities, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents , worked hard, being of one heart and one mind, and overcame numerous hardships and challenges such as the SARS epidem
这一年,中国各族人民在邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想的指引下,万众一心、团结奋斗,战胜突如其来的非典疫情和地震、洪涝、干旱等多种自然灾害带来的困难和挑战。 |
This year, Good Friday is on March 25 and Easter Sunday on March 27.
今年的耶稣受难日在3月25日而复活节在3月27日。 |