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He uses a combination of length, quickness and tenacity to suffocate his opponents.

He used to work as a policeman ,but now he retired. 他过去干警察工作,现在他已经退休了.
He used to work in an office by day and drive a taxi by night. 他过去白天在办公室上班,晚上开计程车。
He used to write a column for this newspaper. 他过去曾为这家报纸写专栏文章。
He used to/would read in the sun. 他过去常在阳光下读书。
He used up all his money. 他花光了所有的钱。
He uses a combination of length, quickness and tenacity to suffocate his opponents. 他的臂展,敏捷性以及坚韧的防守意志令所有对手胆战心惊。
He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs. 打喷嚏或咳嗽时,他使用手帕。
He uses any excuse to weasel out of a job. 他用一切借口逃避一项工作。
He uses enough light when he reads. 当他阅读时,他使用足够的光线。
He uses every means to prevent it. 他用各种方法阻止它。
He uses forms, sounds, tastes, odors, tactile objects, and all kinds of mental objects as his bait to lure the Buddha and the Buddha's disciples. 他用色、声、香、味、触以及其它心所作为诱饵来诱惑佛陀,以及佛弟子。

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