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To avoid huge fines, networks and stations won't just toe the line that the Without a Tracefine suggests; they may steer well clear of it.

To avoid excessive transmission distortion, the bandwidth between transmitter and receiver must be at least twice that with digital carrier modulation. 为避免过量的传输失真,发射机与接收机之间的带宽至少要两倍于数字载波调制的带宽.
To avoid foods drying out in the crisper compartments, if you close the vent so that no air is allowed to escape, then the foods will remain moist for longer periods of time. 为了避免食品在食物保鲜箱中变干,如果你关上通风口,这样就没有空气被泄漏,然后里面的食物就可以保持相对湿度并存放很长的时间。
To avoid giving offense, keep your hands quiet. 为了避免得罪他人,双手最好是别乱动。
To avoid hemorrhage, dissect subperiosteally. 行骨膜下剥离,以减少出血。
To avoid high frequency oscillation in the course of autopilot design, damping coefficient value was treated as a constraint, the rise time was taken as objective, and the other performance criteria were taken as constraints, then the robustness design pr 摘要在导弹控制系统设计过程中,考虑了自动驾驶仪的高频振荡问题,将其转化为系统的一个约束条件,同时把上升时间转化为目标函数,其他设计指标视为约束条件,采用有约束多目标优化的方法解决了系统鲁棒性设计问题。
To avoid huge fines, networks and stations won't just toe the line that the Without a Tracefine suggests; they may steer well clear of it. (当然,损失的钱可以通过符合要求的产品弥补回来,但是,在一定程度上,该罚金带有危险性。)
To avoid incapacitation, flight attendants in Taiwan are required to receive annual hemoglobin examination, but hemoglobin standard for suspension or resumption of flight duty is still absent. 为避免发生失能,台湾的空服员每年必须接受例行的血红素检查。
To avoid influences on the operation environment of the existed passenger wharf, attentions shall be especially paid on the influence of revetment engineering on the surrounding water area in revetment scheme selection and during engineering implementatio 摘要为避免影响已建客运码头使用环境,在护案方案选择和工程实施过程中,需着重注意护岸工程对周围水域的影响,确保已建客运码头的正常营运。
To avoid injuring her, I clean her body carefully, as she is only skin and bones. 我小心翼翼地替她擦身,尽量避免弄疼她,因为她瘦得皮包骨头.
To avoid invasive techniques, other tools have been developed to indirectly measure remodelling, including induced sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, blood and urine analyses, physiological and radiological assessments, as well as in vitro techniques. 为了避免上述的有创检查,目前已发展了其它的检测方法来间接的评估气道重构,包括对患者诱导痰的检测、支气管肺泡灌洗液检查,血液和尿液化验、生理学和放射学方面的检查以及一些离体的检查技术。
To avoid lead from water pipes, use cold water to prepare food and drinks. 为了防止水管中的铅,可以用冷水准备食物和饮料。

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