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We stood riveted to the spot.

We stocked the farm with sheep. 我们给农场进了些羊。
We stood firmly against expansionism. 我们坚决反对扩张主义。
We stood in full view of the crowd. 我们站在群众都看得到的地方。
We stood on each side of the door, sobbing. 门里门外,我们俩都泣不成声。
We stood on the top of the mountain and surveyed the countryside. 我们站在山顶上,眺望乡村。
We stood riveted to the spot. 我们寸步不移的站在那儿。
We stood side by side washing, and preparing for breakfast. 我们并排洗手,准备吃早饭。
We stood there and saw the drama unfold. 我们站在那里看着整个事件发展。
We stop for lunch en route for scotland. 我们在去苏格兰的?上停下来吃午餐。
We stop our regular ads, and replace them with two new kinds of ads. 我们不再登平常的广告,暂时换上两个新广告。
We stop trying, learning and improving to make ourself and our life the best it can be. 于是,我们就失去可通过努力、学习和提升来使自己生命达到极致境界的机会。

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