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Especially developed touch-up primer on blasted areas both below and above waterline.

Especially aiming at the asymmetric structure of the cast, the allocation of aluminous liquid during the filling process was presented and the concept of structure mass fraction was inducted. 针对铸件的不对称结构提出了充型过程中铝液的分配问题,引入结构质量分数的概念。
Especially at present the formal legislation of social security of our country under the condition of having not enacted, the administrative law enforcement of the labor department of social security becomes current protect worker legal rights and interes 在我国社会保障正式立法尚未出台的情况下,劳动社会保障部门的行政执法成为当前保护劳动者合法权益、保障整个社会保险体系有效实施的重要保证。
Especially combined with a tripod, this is a great way of working. 尤其和三角架结合使用,这真是种伟大的工作方式。
Especially companies involved with subprime loans. 特别是对那些参与次级贷款的公司。
Especially declare: Participate in motorcade team member must apply for second accounts (the name must begin with KOK + chinese, Do not use english please) unify to the blue dark girl of personages, and practise the rank to L3 of the small size rank ! 特别声明:凡参加车队队员必须申请小号(名字必须以KOK开头+汉字,请不要使用英文)统一人物蓝色黑妞,并且将小号等级一周内练至L3级别,否则视为自动退队(特殊原因请与队长联系)!
Especially developed touch-up primer on blasted areas both below and above waterline. 特别开发的底漆,通用于水线上下的喷砂处理部位。
Especially difficult to navigate at first was the Cairene metro, where choosing to ride in the wrong car could result in serious awkwardness. 特别是开始时乘开罗地下铁很困难,在开罗乘错车可能会导致严重的问题。
Especially disturbing to the author of the scientific study was that the cartoons were even more comforting than Mom. 尤其让科研人员感到不安的是卡通片甚至比母亲更能抚慰孩子。
Especially during the 10 years from 1994 to 2003, the average annual GDP growth rate was 12 % . 特别是从94年到2003年的十年间,西藏的GDP年圴增长均在12%以上。
Especially during the scorching heat of summer, it seems good to have a cold soft drink. 尤其夏天的天气相当炎热,喝杯冷饮似乎还不错。
Especially for this purpose,the customer's deposit account is debited, the special account credited and a cheque issued to the customer for the amount required. 尤其在这种情况下,可以借记客户的存款账户,贷记专用账户和向客户开出所需金额的支票。

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