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“Mutations in NOTCH 1 cause an early developmental defect in the aortic valve,” said Dr Vidu Garg, an assistant professor of paediatrics and molecular biology.
「NOTCH 1基因突变,引起主动脉瓣膜的早期发育缺陷,」小儿科和分子生物学助理教授维杜.加尔格博士表示。

“Mum, where have we got to?” her sound was clear and melodious like the bird's singing. “妈妈,我们到哪里了?”她的声音清晰悦耳,仿佛鸟儿在歌唱。
“Munchkin?? You're too bright to pick the nickname. He must the most *big* munchkin in the world.” My beloved smiles civilly. 「小鬼??你实在很不会取暱称哩!!他一定是世上最“大”的小鬼了。」亲爱的忍不住的微笑著。
“Music expressed its times,” says sociologist Irving Horowitz. 社会学家欧文?霍洛威茨说:“音乐表现其时代。”
“Music is my life. And I'm going to spend all my life making music. 「音乐是我的人生,我要花上一辈子的时间来做音乐!」
“Must we repair your air conditioner? “需要我们修理你的空调机吗?”
“Mutations in NOTCH 1 cause an early developmental defect in the aortic valve,” said Dr Vidu Garg, an assistant professor of paediatrics and molecular biology. 「NOTCH 1基因突变,引起主动脉瓣膜的早期发育缺陷,」小儿科和分子生物学助理教授维杜.加尔格博士表示。
“My agent met with a Roma emissary last night,” added the player. “There were no Real figures present because we have already spoken to them and sorted it out. “昨晚我的经纪人会见了一位罗马派来的官员,”西西尼奥补充道,“皇马的相关人士没有在场,因为我们已经与他们商谈了,解决了问题。
“My ambition is to lead a top side next season. Now I am available again, we will see over the next few days and weeks what proposals arrive. 我的进取心是在下季领导1只顶级球队。现在我又自由了,我将在几周内决定自己的未来。
“My aunt is a China's female, a splendid Chinese female, hers influence, I on extremely yearned for since childhood Chinese this civilization, ancient and mysterious state, from the aunt body, I felt the Chinese good, has been friendly and is sincere; Fro “我的舅妈是一位中国的女性,一位出色的中国女性,受她的影响,我从小就非常向往中国这个文明、古老而神奇的国度,从舅妈身上,我感受到了中国人的善良、友好和真诚;从书本上,我了解到中国是一个地大物博、风景秀丽的天堂;从我所接触的中国人来看,他们都是最优秀的,不是个人的优秀,而是出自于一个优秀的民族,遗憾的是从来没有来过中国。”
“My best pair of gloves is broken!” cries Sam. “我最好的手套破了!”萨姆哭着说。
“My dad interferes less in my life when I pretend to be an upstanding young citizen with a respectable job. “如果我装成正直的青年,有一份体面的工作,那么父亲就会少干预我的生活。”

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