Metal nanoparticles exhibit unique thermal, electronic, magnetic and optical properties because of the small sizes, large specific surface characteristics and the aggregative trend.
摘要金属纳米粒子由于其小的尺寸和大的比表面积等特点,使其具有独特的热性能、电性能、磁性能和光性能,以及很强的团聚趋势。 |
Metal oil drain pans and some backyard barbecue grills make effective and in sive fire pans.
使用有金属导油槽的火盆和烧烤用的铁架,使生火更有效,更容易控制。 |
Metal or plastic cable gland.
金属或塑料电缆接头。 |
Metal polishing shell,beautiful designed.
纯金属抛光外壳,美观大方。 |
Metal poured into a mold cavity during the casting process solidifies with the possibility of shrinkage, segregation or porosity, which can prevent an as-pouredcasting from being acceptable for severe applications.
在铸造过程中,浇铸到模腔内的金属在凝固过程中可能会产生收缩、分离或气孔,这些问题使得“浇铸”铸件无法被苛刻环境应用领域所接受。 |
Metal prices had a shaky start to the year amid expectations of slowing global economic demand, rising supplies and concerns about the knock-on effects of the US housing slowdown.
今年初,全球金融价格曾出现不稳,当时人们预期全球经济需求将放缓,而供应将增长,并担心美国房地产市场减速产生冲击效应。 |
Metal speciation and valence variation, transport processes, and microbial metabolism are three important ingredients for metal and radionuclide remediation.
金属的种类和价态变化、转移过程以及微生物代谢作用是对金属和辐射生物修复的三种重要的组成部分。 |
Metal toolbox is widely used to store all kinds of tools at the factorys and the repairing car or autocycle shop.
铁制工具箱,有各种规格,结构合理,质量上乘,主要适合工厂、各种修理店铺存放工具,也可与各种手工具组套使用,主要原料为冷轧板。 |
Metal, ceramic and plastic balls ranging from an ounce to hundreds of pounds share a similar genesis.
金属、陶瓷或塑胶滚珠,不管重量是数十公克还是上百公斤,滚珠的生产过程都差不多。 |
Metal-cutting circular saw blades have the top-performance coating for metal-cutting circular saw blades.
顶级涂层的金属圆锯片(表面:彩虹色),经过最顶级的涂层处理,具有优异的耐磨性能。 |
Metaldyne is a leading designer and producer of powertrain and chassis products.
我们是全球一流的汽车发动机、动力传动系统及底盘的设计者及制造者。 |