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In order to study the pressure-swirl nozzle's atomization characteristic, the particle diameter distributions along axis of the nozzle have been measured by immerging.

In order to study the feasibility of the HTS air-core pulse transformer, a model of air-core pulse transformer with five superconducting double-pancakes is build. 摘要为了研究高温超导空心脉冲变压器的可行性,文中建立了一个由五个超导双饼组成的空芯脉冲变压器模型。
In order to study the grassland's green stage of Zoysia Japonica, we have done some experiments about mowing, burning and fertilizing. 摘要爲探讨延长结缕草草坪绿期,分别进行了刈剪、火烧和施肥试验。
In order to study the indoor air temperature characteristics of a chilled wall space with underfloor air supply, This paper made some modifications to the conventional multi-zonal model. 摘要为了研究地板送风方式下有冷却壁面的房间的室内温度特性,本文对常用的多区热质平衡模型作了些修改。
In order to study the influence of some changes in patellar position and configuration on knee extensor mechanism in sagittal plane after total knee arthroplasty, a two-dimensional model of knee joint in sagittal plane based on crossed-four-bar linkage ti 摘要为研究全膝关节置换术后髌骨部分形位参数的变化对伸膝机构性能的影响,建立了以交叉四连杆股胫关节模型为基础的、包含髌股关节模型的矢状面膝关节模型。
In order to study the main effected factors of the aseismic performance of concrete dampers, experiment of dampers in forms of concrete ductile columns was conducted subjected to low cyclic loading, The damage pattern, hysteresis behavior, ductility facto 摘要为考察混凝土延性柱耗能器抗震性能的主要影响因素,通过对多根延性柱耗能器的低周反复荷载试验,得到其破坏形态、滞回特性、延性系数、等效黏滞阻尼系数等参数。
In order to study the pressure-swirl nozzle's atomization characteristic, the particle diameter distributions along axis of the nozzle have been measured by immerging. 摘要为了研究一种高压静电压力旋转喷嘴的雾化特性,采用浸入法测量了该喷嘴喷雾雾滴粒径在喷嘴轴向的分布状况。
In order to study the slope rock mass deformation and destruction features of the surface mine, the changing rules of stress, transfer and safety of various simulation schemes are analyzed and calculated by three-dimensional FEM, and the stress field feat 摘要为了研究露天矿边坡岩体的变形和破坏特征,论文应用弹塑性三维有限单元数值分析方法,分析计算了各种模拟方案的应力、位移及安全率的变化规律,对小龙潭布沼坝露天矿西北边坡岩体应力场的特征和破坏规律进行研究,为此类矿山边坡稳定性分析评价提供科学依据。
In order to study the temperature influence to the anchoring strength of chemically-planted steel bars, two group of tests for total four steel beam joints have been carried out. 为了解施焊温度对化学植筋锚固强度的影响,现场进行了2组共4个节点板的抗剪承载力试验。
In order to study the uniqueness and complexity of reflection seismic pilot detecting technology in southern coalfield, and according to the Southern Coalfield stratigraphic features and characteristics of seismic waves observed, the thin dielectric model 摘要南方煤矿薄层状介质存在各向异性和横向各向同性并存的情况,其煤层的物性条件及其赋存情况的几何形态又有利于槽波的形成,且地层地质构造发育,瓦斯、水等灾害严重,这些特征造成了南方煤矿薄层状介质中反射地震超前探测技术的复杂性和特殊性。
In order to study the variation characteristics of heat flux at Nansha and Xisha Islands in the South China Sea, the observational data from the ocean stations are calculated to obtain air-sea heat exchanges and the annual circulation of heat budget aroun 摘要为探索西沙和南沙海气热通量时间演变特征,用海洋站观测资料计算了1998年南海夏季风爆发前后,海气界面热量交换值及海面热收支年循环。
In order to substitute non-polarizable electrode with lead electrode and solve the stability problem of earth electric field observation in seashore area, we have performed two kinds observational comparison, which is shallow burying lead electrode with n 摘要为使用铅电极替代不极化电极,以解决滨海地区大地电场观测系统稳定性差的问题,先后开展了浅埋的铅电极与不极化电极的大地电场对比观测,以及深埋铅电极与浅埋铅电极的对比观测试验。

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