People who are more in love really are a little more upset after a breakup, but their perceptions about how distraught they will be are dramatically overstated when compared to reality,Finkel said.
芬克尔说:“爱得较深的人在分手后确实要更痛苦一些,但他们对自己痛苦的预期与实际情况相比,却被大大高估了。” |
People who carry the E4 allele may not be able to recover as effectively from a brain injury, making these newborns at greater risk for developing cerebral palsy,he said.
他说:“具有E4等位基因的人可能很难从脑部损伤充分恢复健康,并可能会使新生儿具有发展脑瘫的更大风险。” |
People who have high IQs, who come from high socio-economic status, who have high education are generally healthier than people who are not,said June Reinisch, director emeritus of The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction at Indi
调查报告撰写者之一的琼·雷尼施说:“那些有高智商、来自高社会经济阶层、受过高等教育的人在总体上比那些条件不如他们优越的人身体更健康。” |
People will listen to you, but you've got to cut to the chase.Katherine Walker, the editor-in-chief of Reader's Digest British edition, said London was tenth out of 18 European cities tested.
《读者文摘》英国版总编凯瑟琳?沃克在谈到伦敦在测试的18个欧洲城市中排第十位时说:“大家会听你讲话,但是你必须开门见山,直奔主题。” |
People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual competition does.
人们在团队中工作比独立工作要更加有效率。团队协作需要的合作能够比个人间的竞争更加激励人们。 |
People, especially youngsters don't seem so polite these days.
"如今人们,尤其是年青人好象不那么讲礼貌了。" |
Perhaps he saw the visions. said the vampire.
“也许他的确是看到了幻像。”吸血鬼说。 |
Perhaps the Lord will look on my affliction and return good to me instead of his cursing this day.
撒下16:12或者耶和华见我遭难、为我今日被这人咒骂、就施恩与我。 |
Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a bad luck,said Saiweng.
塞翁却说:“也许这不是什么好事呢!” |
Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing,said Saiweng.
“也许这会是件好事呢!”塞翁却说。 |
Perhaps thousands more sexual predators -- not registered or using fictitious names -- are lurking on your website,stated the letter signed by the attorneys general.
在这些司法部长联合署名的信中写道,“网站上很可能还有数千名性犯罪者没有被发现,他们可能没有正式注册,也可能使用的是假名。” |