Would letters from famous men and women spewed out on a dot-matrix printer have the same fascination as an original holograph?
如果那些男女名人的信件是从一台点阵打印机里涌出来的,它们真的能产生和亲笔书信同样的魅力吗? |
Would life be much better that every family can enjoy the convenience of flushing toilet?
每一个家庭都享冲厕的方便,是否生命会好一些? |
Would like to offer the relevant scientific paper to do or gives an oral account for professional experience VCD/DVD to note down, for evaluation committee's reference.
愿意提供相关学术论文著作或口述成供专业经验VCD/DVD纪录,供评审委员会参考。 |
Would mass administration of antibiotics be the best way to halt an outbreak?
全民使用抗生素是遏止瘟疫爆发的最佳途径吗? |
Would next Tuesday be too late?
下星期二会不会太迟了? |
Would not his splendor terrify you? Would not the dread of him fall on you?
11他的尊荣岂不叫你们惧怕吗?他的惊吓岂不临到你们吗? |
Would not is it appear kind works on production and marketing satisfy the need come to create too.
因此也就不会创作出“产销对路”的好作品来。 |
Would our lives half began?
我们的生命会部分开始吗? |
Would please handle with care and don't damage the oxygen system/water tank /partition of cargo compartment .
小心装货,不要碰坏货舱里的氧气系统/水乡/隔板。 |
Would rather come lotion wipe Jesus with balm of life, the time in all one's life comes to wait upon my Lord, ask you to lead me to break away from crime, ask you to remember me.
情愿用生命的香膏来膏抹耶稣,一生的时间来侍奉我主,求你来带领我脱离罪恶,求你来记得我。 |
Would retirement add a new dimension to my life and multiply my feeling of satisfaction or would the world apprehension be more applicable?
是退休给我的生活带来一种全新的方式,使我倍感称心呢,还是(走出去与人)沟通交流更切实可行? |