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He plunged deep into thought.

He plucked a rose for his lover. 他为情人摘了一朵玫瑰花。
He plucked the burning cigarette up from the mat. 他把点着的香烟从席上捡起来。
He plucks out the batteries in his phone to make him not able to be reached,'' using excuses like being in a meeting to cover his dates with other women, and he often speaks as if he the connection is bad and he is unable to hear callersvoices. 他把手机电池取出来,这样他就“不在服务区”;用正在开会的借口掩饰他和其他女人的约会;而且他经常假装线路不好,听不见呼叫者的声音。
He plumped down on the bed. 他砰的一声地跳上床。
He plumped his money down to secure one of the few remaining tickets. 他迅速撂下钱,在剩下不多的票中抢购了1张。
He plunged deep into thought. 他陷入沉思。
He plunged down again. He could see nothing through the stinging salt water but the blank rock. 他又一次潜到水中,除了那块岩石,透过咸咸的刺人眼痛的海水,他什么也看不见。
He plunged his arm in up to the shoulder, but it eluded him. 他把手伸进水里,直没到肩头,小鱼还是溜了。
He plunked a dollar down at the bar and ordered a beer. 他把一美元摔在柜台上,要了杯啤酒。
He plunked down the money and walked out. 他把钱放下,然后走了出去。
He pocketed all the profits. 他中饱私囊所有的利润。

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