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Banks would love to wriggle out of the most egregious deals, or at least get better terms.

Banks often regard securitization as a balance sheet transformation tool. 银行通常将资产证券化视为资产负债表转换工具。
Banks that own corporate bonds may use the swaps market to hedge against a company defaulting. 拥有公司债券的银行运用交换市场来避免公司欠债。
Banks were once the experts on whom they lent to, with inside knowledge on their borrowers. 银行曾经熟稔于他们的贷款对象并具备借款者的内部信息。
Banks will try to syndicate it again soon. 银行很快就会再次进行融资尝试。
Banks with a small excess reserve ratio and a strategy to seek higher lending growth at the same time, such as Shenzhen Development Bank (000001.SZ/ Rmb37.20, U) would be most negatively impacted. 超额储备金率较低且努力提高贷款增速的银行,例如深发展(000001.SZ/人民币37.20,落后大市),将受到此次准备金率上调的最大负面影响。
Banks would love to wriggle out of the most egregious deals, or at least get better terms. 那些银行很高兴能够摆脱那些太过分的交易,或起码得到些较好的条款。
Banks, academics and politicians, particularly in the USA are demanding changes to the draft rules, which they believe are too complex, overly prescriptive and costly. 特别是美国的银行、专家学者和政客们强烈要求对制定的草案进行修改,原因是他们认为草案过于复杂,说明文字过多,且实施成本过高。
Banksy's high-profile stunts have included a painting of a ladder on the partition wall in Israel's West Bank. 本克西曝光率最高的涂鸦作品包括这件画在以色列西岸隔离墙上的作品。
Banned from taking a job in football as a result of the trial, Moggi is now interviewed by a series of television companies in a bid to clear his name. 审判宣判莫吉在足球圈禁止从事任何职务。现在他接受了一系列电视台的采访,试图以此恢复自己的清白。
Banned murders in the suburb bring turbulent disturbance and burden to the urban turbine works. 在郊区被禁止的谋杀给都市透平工厂带来汹涌骚乱和重负.
Banneker spent most of his life on his family's 100-acre farm outside Baltimore. 班尼卡博士一生大部份的时间,都花在他位于巴尔的摩外的一处100英亩大小的农场内。

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