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The unyielding man fiercely pierced the shield in the field.

The unusual name stands out especially in Chinese, which has no alphabet and instead uses tens of thousands of multi-stroke characters to represent words. 在中国人们并不使用字母,他们用不同笔画的字符来表达不同的意思。这使得这一名字在中国显的更为怪异。
The unusually strong story is partially based on the true life of Wong Fei Hung. Because not much is known about Fei Hung's life, many liberties were taken, however. 整个故事是基于黄飞鸿的部分真实生活。由于黄飞鸿的一生世人知之甚少,所以剧情多有虚构。(隐士按语:其实就是瞎编,往八卦上编,整点男女关系问题什么的。)
The unusually warm spring day seemed like a foretaste of summer. 不寻常的温暖春日似乎像是夏天的先兆。
The unwhitening and uneven facial complexion seem emaciating and aging. 不净白不均匀的脸色让人看起来显得几分憔悴和老化。
The unwilling submissiveness shown by a weaker person is helplessness; it is called cowardice. 弱者体现的勉强的顺从是无助,这才是懦弱。
The unyielding man fiercely pierced the shield in the field. 那个不屈的人凶猛地刺穿田野里的盾牌.
The up and down arrow keys are used to scroll through the list of previous lines. 上箭头键和下箭头键用来翻阅前面输入的行的内容列表。
The up-and-coming technologies are going to allow us to do things that we never dreamed of. 欣欣向荣的科学技术特使我们做到(从前)做梦也没有想到过的事情。
The upbeat medical bulletin will not only lift Sven-G?ran Eriksson's mood but that of the whole country as it counts down to the tournament. 最新的医疗简报不止会提升埃里克森的心气,在世界杯进入倒计时的现在整个国家都是如此。
The upbeat situation of China's economy and foreign trade is hard won, and is inseparable from the respect and attention paid by the Chinese government to IPR protection. 中国经济和对外贸易发展的良好局面来之不易,这与我国政府尊重和重视知识产权是分不开的。
The upcoming Ridley Scott Crusades epic Kingdom of Heaven clocks in at around 135 minutes, but be prepared for a multi-disc set some time next year which will add another full hour of footage. 即将上映的雷利史考特的十字军题材史诗巨作”王者天下”距离上映时间只剩下约135分钟了,但请为于明年推出,将增加一小时额外剧情的多光碟版本做好准备。

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