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The method has been applied successfully to the control of a steam boiler heating system.

The method for payment of the price, remuneration or licensing fee under a technology contract shall be prescribed by the parties, who may prescribe lump-sum payment based on one-time calculation or installment payment based on one-time calculation, and m 第三百二十五条技术合同价款、报酬或者使用费的支付方式由当事人约定,可以采取一次总算、一次总付或者一次总算、分期支付,也可以采取提成支付或者提成支付附加预付入门费的方式。
The method for solving quadratic equation which combined arithmetic solution and geometry demonstration together by al-Khwārizmī probably is influenced by Greek who praised highly geometry, but through analyzing carefully, his geometry seems different fro 花拉子米讨论一元二次方程时所采用的算术解法与几何论证相结合的方法似乎是受希腊人推崇几何学的观念的影响,但经过仔细分析,认为他的几何证明本质上区别于欧几里得的“几何代数”,而与中国古代的“出入相补原理”更相像。
The method for third harmonic generation of large-aperture high-power solid Laser is described which is the second nonlinear effect of two cascade crystals in this paper. 摘要叙述了大口径高功率固体激光器,利用两块级联晶体的二阶非线性效应,对激光输出进行谐波转换,实现三次谐波输出的方法。
The method greatly reduces centralized control, enhancing informer cooperation among individual store, distribution center, and suppliers. 这一方法大大减少了集权控制,加强了各商店、配货中心与供应商之间频繁的非正式合作。
The method has been applied for searching of the slop with minimum safety factor. 作为实例,分析了遗传进化算法在天生桥二级电站首部枢纽进水口右岸滑坡案例中的应用。
The method has been applied successfully to the control of a steam boiler heating system. 该方法已成功的应用于蒸汽锅炉加热功率控制。
The method has been successfully applied in the quality control of enamel-insulated wire production. 该方法已成功地应用于漆包线生产过程质量监控。
The method has it roots in a branch of mathematics called conformal mapping. 该方法的数学分支,它植根于所谓形映射.
The method has the advantage of clear thinking, rapidly converging and high precision. 这种方法求解思路清晰,收敛速度快,计算精度高。
The method has the characteristics such as high speed and precision as well as available sequential results. 指出该方法具有速度快、探测精度高、可获得连续结果等特点。
The method improves the precision of the precipitation isoline and is important to count the surface precipitation of the drainage area. 结果表明该方法提高了绘制等雨量线的质量,对于计算流域的面雨量具有重要实际意义。

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