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Chemical constituents of Curcuma longa Ⅰ:bisabolane sesquiterpenes;

In view that clinical trial is different from traditional medical treatment procedure,the existing system is inadequate in protecting subjects safety and legal rights. 鉴于临床试验异于常规的特点,目前的体制不足以保护临床试验受试者的权益。
These 7 strains were used as candidates of genome shuffling library for multiparental inactivated protoplasts eletrofusion. 将分生孢子的原生质体进行紫外诱变,得到7株酶活提高幅度较大的紫外诱变株U,以此作为候选株文库,采用基因组改组(Genome shuffling),进行多亲株灭活电融合,获得9株酶活进一步提高的菌株。
Identification of Curcuminoids in Supercritical CO_2 Extract from Curcuma longa L. by High Performance Liquid Chromatography; 姜黄超临界提取物的高效液相色谱分析
Identification of Curcuminoids in Supercritical CO_2 Extract from Curcuma longa L. by High Performance Liquid Chromatography; 姜黄超临界提取物的高效液相色谱分析
Chemical constituents of Curcuma longa Ⅰ:bisabolane sesquiterpenes; 姜黄的化学成分研究Ⅰ:没药烷型倍半萜
Influence of curcuma particle on one-step method of extracting-dyeing in supercritical CO_2; 姜黄粒度对超临界CO_2萃取染色一步法的影响
Influence of curcuma particle on one-step method of extracting-dyeing in supercritical CO_2; 姜黄粒度对超临界CO_2萃取染色一步法的影响
Dyeing performance of wool fabric with vegetable dye-turmeric; 姜黄染料在毛织物染色中的应用
Prevention of Cyclosporine A(CSA)-induced Chronic Nephrotoxicity with Curcumin in Rats; 姜黄素对大鼠环孢素慢性肾毒性防治作用研究
Effects of curcumine on Ang-Ⅱ and ET-1 in renal homogenate in rats with unilateral ureteral occlusion; 姜黄素对单侧输尿管梗阻大鼠肾脏表达血管紧张素Ⅱ、内皮素-1的影响

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