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But quite a lot of articles on their lessons have been published.

But quantum fluctuations change the situation. 可是量子涨落改变了情况。
But quantum physics has shattered some of our cornerstone beliefs. 但是,量子理论已经打碎了我们信仰的基石。
But queerly the term Pujyam also means holy. 但奇怪的是,普杰雅这个术语也是神圣的意思。
But questions about responsibility and compensation remain largely unanswered. 但是关于责任和赔偿的问题在很大程度上仍没有给出答案。
But questions are also being asked about otheraspects of the timing and motivation of his draconian response to an“emergency” dating back years. 但是,他对这个多年前就已发生的所谓“紧急状态”所采取的严厉应对措施,其时机和动机还是让人议论纷纷。
But quite a lot of articles on their lessons have been published. 但是,已经发表了大量论述他们经验教训的文章。
But quite on the contrary, China in fact is a politically very stable society and economically rapid growing country. 新闻媒介只有这样进行报道,才会被视为对社会的负责。
But quite otherwise when it is warm. 但是如果天热,那就另当别论了。
But raising such a force will take time. 但是派驻这样一支部队需要花费时间。
But ramping up ethanol production has drawbacks. 但是骤然加大酒精产量会遇到一些不利条件。
But rapture was glowing in my soul and it overcame my terror. 但我内心里的狂喜,压过了我的恐惧。

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