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With twelve hundred chariots, and threescore thousand horsemen: and the people were without number that came with him out of Egypt; the Lubims, the Sukkiims, and the Ethiopians.

With trillions of dollars and frenetic trading habits, they resent the fees the exchanges have been charging them and increasingly look for alternatives (some of which they are creating themselves). 作拥万亿美元同时有近乎疯狂的交易习惯,这些人极力反对交易所目前居高不下的要价而且积极的寻找替代者(其中一些是自欺欺人)。
With true vigour, we will seek to cultivate a spirit of self-denial. 我们要以诚实刚健为本,培养出战胜自我的精神。
With trumpets and sound of cornet make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King. 诗98:6用号和角声、在大君王耶和华面前欢呼。
With trumpets and the sound of the horn Shout joyfully before the King, the Lord. 诗98:6用号和角声、在大君王耶和华面前欢呼。
With turnable axle of different specification ,can be used with different floor spring. 备有不同规格的转轴,可与各种地弹簧配合使用。
With twelve hundred chariots, and threescore thousand horsemen: and the people were without number that came with him out of Egypt; the Lubims, the Sukkiims, and the Ethiopians. 3示撒带战车一千二百辆,马兵六万,并且跟从他出埃及的路比人,苏基人,和古实人,多得不可胜数。
With two blinks of the eyes, patients could double-click for help. 病人眨两下眼睛,就可“双击”求助。
With two days' squad preparation under the belt after the internationalbreak, the Chelsea side will take on Watford in the familiar situationof knowing Man United's points haul from the weekend before ourkick-off. 在国际赛后有两天的准备时间,切尔西对阵沃特福德前将会再次遇上相同的情况,就是开赛前便知道曼联获得了多少分。
With two examples of the prestressed celom tension in the continuous girder design, which is utilized in the projects of MingZhu elevated railway and XinMin elevated railway, the author analyses the characters of the design and the application of this tec 摘要就轨道交通明珠线、莘闵线等工程的连续梁设计中预应力束体内张拉的实例,分析其设计特点和应用。
With two exploration examples, this paper recounts the application of geological radar to detecting fractures, karst and old mined-out galleries in media of different lithologic characters and its effects. 摘要通过3个勘察实例,阐述地质雷达技术在花岗岩、石灰岩及砂岩等不同岩性介质中探测断裂、岩溶和旧开采矿坑中的应用效果。
With two full days of rest following Tuesday's off-day and Wednesday's rainout, Damon had unsuccessfully lobbied to be used as a ninth-inning pinch-hitter in Thursday's game. 星期二整天的休息与星期三因雨延赛,大门成功的在星期四第九局上场担任指定代打。

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